E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 12 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Thu May 20 17:31:50 2021, Jan, Laszlo, Beatriz, General, beam & target alignement, 2021 
beam and target alignement was checked by looking at the Xray rates. Best case when:
Target bump (position) SC 9: -18.5mm
Entry  Thu May 20 17:31:28 2021, Beatriz, Laszlo, Calibration, run0051, 2021 
Entry  Thu May 20 15:15:54 2021, Beatriz, Laszlo, Calibration, run0050, 2021 
Entry  Wed May 19 19:47:14 2021, Yuri, General, Beam Halflife at 30 AMeV, 2021 2021-05-19_17-35-00_tcl1032_lassie-monitor.png
Entry  Wed May 19 15:09:22 2021, Helmut Weick, General, FRS settings, LISE file, 2021 frequencies-E127.xlsxFRS-settings-E127.docx124Xe_ESR_Predrilling.lpp124Xe_118Te_2mmSci_oldmode.lpp124Xe_118Te_2mmSci_newoptics.lpp
Here is a setting plan for FRS and corresponding LISE files.
2 LISE files still use the old FRS-ESR optics, one the new with S6 focus on slits. 
But this does not make a big difference for the simulation, only dispersion S2-S6 is lower.
Entry  Wed May 19 13:47:26 2021, Jan Glorius, General, GasTarget Operation, 2021 IMG_20210519_133923186_HDR.jpgIMG_20210519_133629322_HDR.jpg
We have two tasks to take over for the target operation:

1. We have to refill the blue LN2 bottle on the roof of ESR every morning (see 1st attached foto)
Entry  Tue May 18 21:08:16 2021, ESR team, General, Beam stacking, 2021 5B6943AF-DF56-4B0F-A77E-1E3C65B3B0C0.jpegB590F232-450A-4ACF-BBA4-DB31B7B35FDA.jpeg
Beam stacking. 3 pulses, stochastically cooled and stacked on an inner orbit
Entry  Tue May 18 11:22:57 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0049 - calib all Xray det., 2021 
Efficiency calibration in ESR

Entry  Tue May 18 01:21:27 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0047 - crap, 2021 
Entry  Tue May 18 01:03:59 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0048 - calib all Xray det., 2021 
Efficiency calibration in ESR

Entry  Sun May 16 13:31:49 2021, Laszlo, DAQ, Cabling Documentation, 2021 e127b_2021_cabling_documentation.xlsx
Si HV and current was switched in the last documentation.
Entry  Sun May 16 12:55:48 2021, Jan Glorius, DAQ, event server lxg1299:6003, 2021 
new event server is set up at lxg1299 on port 6003
It runs as:
/data.local1/gstore/mrevserv64 lxg1275
Entry  Sun May 16 11:54:12 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, Xray performance in lab, 2021 
These are the current Xray detector performances in the lab using data from run0046

[TABLE border="1"]
Entry  Sun May 16 11:25:25 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0046 - Xray E-calib 241Am all dets, 2021 
Detectors: Xray1 (GEM1800), Xray2 (GLP), Xray3 (GEM3000)
Sources: different Am241 at each detector
Entry  Sat May 15 20:21:59 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0045 - Si pulser run, 2021 
Detector: DSSD
Source: CAEN Detector Emulator
Entry  Fri May 14 13:58:52 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0044 - Xray145 calib 210Pb d=305mm, 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Entry  Fri May 14 11:17:48 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0043 - Xray145 calib 210Pb d=305mm, 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Entry  Fri May 14 10:28:49 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0042 - Xray145 calib 241Am_hi d=305mm, 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Entry  Fri May 14 09:35:13 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0041 - Xray145 calib Cd109 d=305mm, 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Entry  Fri May 14 09:06:55 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0040 - Xray145 calib Ba133_hi d=305mm, 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

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