E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 4 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun May 16 11:54:12 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, Xray performance in lab, 2021 
These are the current Xray detector performances in the lab using data from run0046

det DAQ ch threshold resolution @ 60keV
GEM1800 xray1 5keV 495eV
GLP2000 xray2 5keV 430eV
GEM3000 xray3 7keV 525eV
Entry  Sun May 16 12:55:48 2021, Jan Glorius, DAQ, event server lxg1299:6003, 2021 
new event server is set up at lxg1299 on port 6003
It runs as:
/data.local1/gstore/mrevserv64 lxg1275
Entry  Sun May 16 13:31:49 2021, Laszlo, DAQ, Cabling Documentation, 2021 e127b_2021_cabling_documentation.xlsx
Si HV and current was switched in the last documentation.
Entry  Tue May 18 01:03:59 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0048 - calib all Xray det., 2021 
Efficiency calibration in ESR

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detector: all
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 01:20:23 - 18.05.2021
Stop time:  11:05:30 - 18.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0048.lmd
avrg. rate: 400Hz
dead-time:  3%
Entry  Tue May 18 01:21:27 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0047 - crap, 2021 
Entry  Tue May 18 11:22:57 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0049 - calib all Xray det., 2021 
Efficiency calibration in ESR

GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)

Detector: all
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 11:22:36 - 18.05.2021
Stop time:  13:36:55 - 18.05.2021

file name: e127b_run0049.lmd
avrg. rate: 400Hz
dead-time:  3%
Entry  Tue May 18 21:08:16 2021, ESR team, General, Beam stacking, 2021 5B6943AF-DF56-4B0F-A77E-1E3C65B3B0C0.jpegB590F232-450A-4ACF-BBA4-DB31B7B35FDA.jpeg
Beam stacking. 3 pulses, stochastically cooled and stacked on an inner orbit
Entry  Wed May 19 13:47:26 2021, Jan Glorius, General, GasTarget Operation, 2021 IMG_20210519_133923186_HDR.jpgIMG_20210519_133629322_HDR.jpg
We have two tasks to take over for the target operation:

1. We have to refill the blue LN2 bottle on the roof of ESR every morning (see 1st attached foto)
For this we use the small silver dewar on the floor there. In case this dewar is empty we have to refill it in the yard.
No need to stop the measurement for this.

2. We have to monitor the LN2-level warning on Ulis web page: http://ulpc24.gsi.de/mediawiki/index.php
In case there is a warning (~12h remaining), we have to refill the big dewar at the target in ESR.
This means we need ESR on TSG with the gate open.

In case the nozzle is clogging and we do not reach reasonable densities anymore and E1 pressure is going down, we have to heat up the nozzle manually.
This can be done at the control panel on the roof of ESR (see 2nd attached foto).
The proceedure is:
1. push "set point"
2. type new value in Kelvin (e.g. 100K for start of heating)
3. press "enter" to apply or "escape" to correct typo
4. monitor E1 pressure (should go up)

Overview page:
Entry  Wed May 19 15:09:22 2021, Helmut Weick, General, FRS settings, LISE file, 2021 frequencies-E127.xlsxFRS-settings-E127.docx124Xe_ESR_Predrilling.lpp124Xe_118Te_2mmSci_oldmode.lpp124Xe_118Te_2mmSci_newoptics.lpp
Here is a setting plan for FRS and corresponding LISE files.
2 LISE files still use the old FRS-ESR optics, one the new with S6 focus on slits. 
But this does not make a big difference for the simulation, only dispersion S2-S6 is lower.
For realistic contaminants you must open the slits at S6 more(~ +/-10mm).
Added a list of fragments and expected frequencies after cooling at 400 MeV/u.
Only nuclides close to 118Te in m/q should be cooled.
Entry  Wed May 19 19:47:14 2021, Yuri, General, Beam Halflife at 30 AMeV, 2021 2021-05-19_17-35-00_tcl1032_lassie-monitor.png
Entry  Thu May 20 15:15:54 2021, Beatriz, Laszlo, Calibration, run0050, 2021 
Entry  Thu May 20 17:31:28 2021, Beatriz, Laszlo, Calibration, run0051, 2021 
Entry  Thu May 20 17:31:50 2021, Jan, Laszlo, Beatriz, General, beam & target alignement, 2021 
beam and target alignement was checked by looking at the Xray rates. Best case when:
Target bump (position) SC 9: -18.5mm

(We were aiming to keep the particles in the beam at a const. level when target switched ON)
pos   bdt
-21   800
-20   1000
-19   1300
-18   1300
-17   1000
-16   500
Entry  Thu May 20 18:11:24 2021, Laszlo, General, Touching the beam with Dsssd - current change, 2021 IMG_20210520_180857.jpg
Entry  Thu May 20 18:13:55 2021, Laszlo, General, Vacuum change while Si movement, 2021 IMG_20210520_174632.jpg
The vacuum remained in the E-10 range after moving the dsssd. The oscillation in the vacuum.values are due to the 
magnets ramping up and down
Entry  Fri May 21 01:17:37 2021, Laszlo, Analysis, simple analysis code, 2021 
//a simple code (template) for offline analysis
//made by Laszlo, serves as a simple demonstration for enthusiastic shifters
//it creates a "no double counting Si 2D pos" histo
//save the file as eg. "simple_code.c"
//root -l
//.L simple_code.c++
//when counter finished: ".q"

#define INPUT1 "input.root"//first unpack the lmd, then give the path of the unpacked .root file.

#define OUTPUT "./"//folder of the output. minimum input: "./"

#define ROOT_NAME "dummy.root"//name of the output

#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TAttText.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TChain.h"
#include "TCut.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
#include "TGraphErrors.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "THistPainter.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TLatex.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include "TMinuit.h"
#include "TMultiGraph.h"
#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TPave.h"
#include "TPaveText.h"
#include "TPoint.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TRint.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TVirtualFitter.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

inline bool exists_test0 (const std::string& name) {
    ifstream f(name.c_str());
    return f.good();


void loop(TChain *fChain){
	//setting pedestal values
	int PEDESTAL_LOW=400;
	int PEDESTAL_HIGH=8000;

	//this normally should be in a separate header, branches are defined.
	UInt_t          trigger;
	UInt_t          E_SiY[17];
	UInt_t          E_SiX[17];
	UInt_t          t_SiY[17];
	UInt_t          t_SiX[17];
	for(int a=1;a<17;a++){

	//creating histos
	TH2D *h_pos_si_xy=new TH2D("h_pos_si_xy", "h_pos_si_xy",16,0.5,16.5,16,0.5,16.5);

	//creating and initializing some variables used in the event loop (for "no double counting")
	int r_pos_x=0,r_pos_y=0;
	int dc_Ex_max=-999;
	int dc_Ey_max=-999;
	Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntries();
	Long64_t nbytes = 0;

	//starting the entry loop
	for (Long64_t i=0; i<nentries;i++){

		nbytes += fChain->GetEntry(i);
		//event countdown
		if ((float(i)/100000.)==int(i/100000)){cout << "event: " << i << " \tof " << nentries << endl;}

		if(trigger==1){//trigger 1 = TargetON


			for(int i_x=1;i_x<17;i_x++){
				for(int i_y=1;i_y<17;i_y++){

					if( ((int)t_SiX[i_x])>0 && ((int)t_SiY[i_y])>0){
						if( PEDESTAL_LOW<((int)E_SiX[i_x]) && PEDESTAL_HIGH>((int)E_SiX[i_x]) &&
						    PEDESTAL_LOW<((int)E_SiY[i_y]) && PEDESTAL_HIGH>((int)E_SiY[i_y])){

							//assign the hit to StripX and StripY where the most energy is deposited (rel. Ecalibration is needed, but roughly ok)
							if(dc_Ex_max<((int)E_SiX[i_x]) && dc_Ey_max<((int)E_SiY[i_y])){

			//Filling pos. histo
			if(dc_Ex_max!=-999 && dc_Ey_max!=-999){h_pos_si_xy	-> Fill(r_pos_x,r_pos_y);}

	}//entry loop

	//writing out the root output file
	TFile *graphfile = TFile::Open((OUTPUT + (string)("") + ROOT_NAME).c_str(), "RECREATE");
	graphfile -> mkdir("map");
	graphfile -> cd("map");
	h_pos_si_xy -> Write();
	graphfile -> Close();



void run(){

    const char *command = new char[1000];

    char filename[100];
    TChain *fChain = new TChain("h101");


    if(exists_test0(INPUT1) && exists_test0(OUTPUT)){

    cout<<"\033[0;37m//loading run: "<<filename << "\033[0m" <<endl;

    else{cout<<"\033[0;31mError 404: non-existing INPUT1 or OUTPUT file!\033[0m" <<endl;}

	command = "rm  *.so";
	command = "rm  *.d";


int main(){
Entry  Fri May 21 10:00:51 2021, Jan, Accelerator, target bump, 2021 
The target overlap was optimized on xray and si rates.
The setting now is -10mm in SC9
Entry  Fri May 21 11:27:31 2021, Sophia, Mario, Laszlo, Runs, Run 0052, 2021 
open file : e127b_run0052.lmd

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 7 MeV/u
cooler voltage:

Illumination of the detector to see if the gain settings are ok.
Spectra look reasonable, rates are low.

Detector position (Si): -25 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): out/not used

run start: 11:23:58 21-05-2021
run stop: 12:13:53 21-05-2021


ON Rates
Si_bdt: 15 Hz
Xray_35: 20 Hz
Xray_90: 200 Hz
Xray_145: 70 Hz
BaF_OR: ---

Si voltage: 100.0 V
Si leakage current: 360 uA

SIS particles before:
ESR current at injection: 3e7
ESR particles after decel.: 5e6
Target ON density: 9e13
Entry  Fri May 21 11:55:24 2021, Jan, Detectors, SI MSCF settings v1, 2021 setting_test.1621590878
attached are the settings for all MSCFs.
Settings are optimized for DSSD only, not BaF!
Entry  Fri May 21 12:21:57 2021, Jan, Runs, Run 0053, 2021 
open file : e127b_run0053.lmd

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 7 MeV/u
cooler voltage:

Illumination of the detector to see if the gain settings are ok.
Spectra look reasonable, rates are low.

Detector position (Si): -25 mm
GE01DD1IG position (Scraper): out/not used

run start: 12:21:34 21-05-2021
run stop: 14:05:27 21-05-2021


ON Rates
Si_bdt: 15 Hz
Xray_35: 20 Hz
Xray_90: 200 Hz
Xray_145: 70 Hz
BaF_OR: ---

Si voltage: 100.0 V
Si leakage current: 360 uA

SIS particles before:
ESR current at injection: 3e7
ESR particles after decel.: 5e6
Target ON density: 9e13
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b