Fri Apr 8 14:12:57 2022, morning shift, DAQ, timing for h=1
The timing for h=1 has been set up
The time window is now twice as large as before!
Thu Apr 7 02:32:29 2022, all on shift, Runs, First Scans 322-320nm
Laser scanning from 322-320 steps 0.01nm/s
DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
Fri Apr 8 15:39:36 2022, all, Runs, first data after timing set up
started taking data again
started at 15:40
Sun Apr 3 10:35:20 2022, Yuri (Sergey), Accelerator, Dipole correction
The ramp for moving the beam to the central orbit
To be inserted into manipulation, GE01MU1 (SC 5): 1.05969755 rad
This can be done only when one stays in the manipulation 5
Sun Apr 3 10:28:25 2022, Yuri (Helmut Weick), Accelerator, Distance cooler - detector
Calculation from Helmut Weick
Distance e-cooler to particle detectors chamber:
“This is half of ESR plus distance target - detector. This even is on the web page”
Thu Apr 7 08:14:03 2022, Yuri & Danyal, General, 229Th89+ line in Schottky
GLOBAL calculations for the "content" of the Th line in the Schottky spectrum
(380 MeV/u exit energy, equilibrium charge state distribution)
Sat Apr 2 18:17:31 2022, Yuri, Accelerator, Photo-Identification
Just a photo of the ID |
Sat Apr 2 18:19:47 2022, Yuri, Accelerator, Scraping
Fri Apr 8 15:42:20 2022, Yuri, Accelerator, Slits in the TE line
At around 15:00, The slits in the TE line were changed to :
TE4DS5HL -12 mm -> -20 mm
TE5DSAH 0 mm -> +15 mm |
Fri Apr 8 15:45:24 2022, YL, , Spectrum manipulation 5
See attached |
Tue Apr 5 20:58:53 2022, Wilfried, Laser, Trigger for Laser 
Electronic for the timing of the laser puls optimized. The problem with the broad photodiode histograms is solved.
The photo of the oscilloscope picture shows in magenta the pulses from the (discriminated RF)/2, in yellow the pulses that are generated to open the Q-Switch.
The latter are generated by the coincidence of the 30-Hz trigger (2 microsec long) to
Fri Apr 8 02:14:05 2022, Wilfried, Laser, Laser timings adjusted
Since we use the middle window as a reference for the laser pulse timing, the fact that the window is 2.25 m behind the target has to be taken into account.
From here the ions have 10 ns less time of flight to the middle of the electron cooler than they need for half a revolution. The signals were still symmetrically
aligned around the reference bunch as it was done yesterday. Therefore, the delay of the laser pulse was reduced by 10-ns on the oscilloscope, which led |
Fri Apr 8 14:43:50 2022, Wilfried, DAQ, laser timing - Q-switch start
below are my notes concerning laser timing / Q-switch start |
Tue Apr 12 21:56:54 2022, Volker, David, Pierre-Michel & Danyal, Alexandre, Sebastian, General, new laser wavelength scan range 321.62 - 321.10 nm 
New wavelength scan range is [B]321.62 - 321.10 nm[/B]. Before the new scan range (compare old scan range in [URL=] Entry
215[/URL]) was applied,
the cooler settings were slightly modified. Current was changed from [B]50 mA to 40 mA[/B], correction voltage was changed from [B]3943 V to 3948 V[/B]. |
Wed Mar 23 16:16:42 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, Control software for XUV and copper mirror detector
Attached you find a manual for the software used to control the movement of the XUV detector and the copper mirror detector.
The software is also used to set the electrode voltages and coil currents of the XUV detector. |
Wed Mar 23 16:58:33 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, Status copper mirror and XUV detectors  
Over the past days, the parabolic copper mirror and XUV detectors haven been prepared and tested for the upcoming beamtime (see first attached photo for
an overview of the detectors).
Fri Apr 8 05:46:35 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, High background rate in Cu PMT points to light leak in ESR or active pressure gauge
The background rate of the Cu mirror PMT is only about 300 cps when the mirror is in the parking position but ca. 7000 cps when in the beam position, even
if no beam is present in the ESR. This was noticed when we had an "empty injection" into the ring, causing the Cu mirror to drive into the beam position
with no ions present.
Sun Apr 10 03:56:56 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, Low rate in PMT South
PMT south shows a much lower count rate than observed in elog entry 170.
Yesterday the voltage on this PMT was increased to 2400 V and the threshold setting of the CAEN CFD to 90 units, (from 70 units before) however the low |
Thu Apr 7 00:36:36 2022, Uwe, DAQ, Threshholds and shaping Mesytec for ADC
Wed Apr 6 15:19:29 2022, Svea, Shahab, Accelerator, 5s delay implemented before injection
Operators have informed us that for better stability and operation (and cooperation with HHT), and after discussing with Sergey, they have introduced 5s
delay "Wartezeit RESET" before every injection.