E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  nuclear two-photon decay, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Jul 3 08:12:22 2021, Dima, Yuri, General, Beam stop 
Entry  Sat Jul 3 06:48:38 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris), Analysis, Closer potential isomer tracks 70Se_close_pot_isomers.png
    Reply  Sat Jul 3 07:35:31 2021, The remote Canadian eager beaver (Iris), Analysis, Closer potential isomer tracks 410MHz-2021.
Entry  Sat Jul 3 06:55:57 2021, Dima, David, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Sat Jul 3 06:49:55 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy &Iris), Analysis, List of possible spectra with isomer decay 410MHz-2021.
Entry  Sat Jul 3 04:58:34 2021, Dima, David, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Sat Jul 3 04:33:50 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris), Analysis, Slight shift in 70Se frequency 70Se-shift-21h-4h.png
Entry  Sat Jul 3 03:41:48 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris), Analysis, Summed Spectra Summary 72Ge_sum.png72Br_sum.png70Se_not-scraped.png70Se_strong-scraped.png70Se_not-scraped_high_contrast.png
Entry  Sat Jul 3 03:07:43 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris), Analysis, Some single spectra (410 MHz) from 21-24h July2-70Se-single-spectra-21-24h.pdf
Entry  Sat Jul 3 02:56:04 2021, Dima, David, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Sat Jul 3 01:28:08 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy and Iris), Analysis, Summed spectra 410 MHz from 21:00-23:59 (70Se) July2-21-0h-410MHz_AllSpectra_70Se.png
Entry  Sat Jul 3 00:59:01 2021, Dima, David, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 23:09:22 2021, Dima, David, Liliana, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 21:07:31 2021, Liliana, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 20:33:44 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, 70Se setting with closed scrapers 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 20:01:16 2021, Liliana, Runs, Some plots from the Br setting 6x
Entry  Fri Jul 2 19:57:12 2021, Shahab, Yuri, Wolfram, Liliana, Runs, stop DAQ  
Entry  Fri Jul 2 19:06:18 2021, Liliana, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 17:31:04 2021, Liliana, General, status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 17:27:56 2021, Liliana, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 16:14:17 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, Scrapers 4 72Br 1C28A49A-5FA1-4A81-8675-3ED9660FD793.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 15:03:37 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 14:18:04 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Runs, Change of the measurment to 72Br 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:44:50 2021, Sergey, et al, Accelerator, El cooler 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:37:00 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, Change of the measurement time from 10s to 20s 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:10:00 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, Scrapers 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:59:21 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:42:54 2021, Gregor, Analysis, Spectra 6:00-12:00 12x
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:18:35 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Accelerator, e-cooling 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 11:44:25 2021, Helmut, Yuri, Accelerator, move scrapers to see effect on unknown lines 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 10:47:56 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 08:54:12 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 07:31:44 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, 00h to 05h Summed Spectra 245MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms.png245MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms_zoom.png410MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms.png410MHz-07.02.00-05h-sum_10ms_zoom.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:34:03 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 22:00-23:00 July1-22-23h-410MHz_Spectra_0.1s_steps.pngJuly1-22-23h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.pngSum_410MHz_May10-1-2am_5_0-5_175s.png
    Reply  Fri Jul 2 02:03:36 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 0:00-1:00 July2-0-1h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.png
       Reply  Fri Jul 2 04:27:38 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 0:00-4:00 (410 MHz) July2-0-4h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.png
          Reply  Fri Jul 2 06:33:48 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 4:00-6:00 (410 MHz) July2-4-6h-410MHz_Spectra_0.02s_steps_start_1s.png
             Reply  Fri Jul 2 06:52:11 2021, The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy), Analysis, Summary of spectra 0:00-6:00 (410 MHz) July2-4-0-6h-410MHz_AllSpectra_0.025s_steps_start_1.04s.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 06:51:45 2021, Pavlos, Kanika, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 05:08:16 2021, Guy Leckenby (Canadian beaver team), Analysis, e143_analyser.py Summing Script e143_sum_ana.bashe143_comparison.C410MHz-07.01.22h-sum_20ms.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 04:58:39 2021, IK, Kanika, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 03:19:49 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 03:10:03 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:43:56 2021, IK, KK, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:39:51 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:31:35 2021, The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy), Analysis, First spectra after bottle change 410MHz-2021.
Entry  Fri Jul 2 00:08:22 2021, IK, Kanika, DAQ, NTCAP status 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 23:46:17 2021, Iris, General, Less beam after gas bottle change? Comparison-21h-2340h.png
    Reply  Thu Jul 1 23:54:43 2021, Iris, General, Less beam after gas bottle change? Comparison-21h-2350h.png
Entry  Thu Jul 1 23:38:55 2021, IK, KK, Runs, Change of gas bottle 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 23:07:47 2021, IK, KK, Runs, source 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 21:35:32 2021, Shahab, Runs, some pics after 15dB amplification on 410 asd.png821.png
Entry  Thu Jul 1 21:35:15 2021, Shahab, DAQ, increase factor 4 in power for 410  
Entry  Thu Jul 1 21:15:01 2021, Andrew Nic, DAQ, NTCAP Status 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 20:48:58 2021, Shahab Andrew Nic, DAQ, Acquisition started 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 20:35:21 2021, Andrew Nic Shahab, DAQ, Acquisition stopped  
Entry  Thu Jul 1 19:34:11 2021, Shahab, DAQ, increase factor 4 in power for 410  410MHz-2021.
Entry  Thu Jul 1 19:24:59 2021, Nic Andrew Shahab, Runs, Start of data taking again 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 18:56:49 2021, Shahab, Runs, Short interruption in recording  
Entry  Thu Jul 1 18:54:44 2021, Andrew, Nic, General, NTCap Status 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 18:49:59 2021, Shahab, Runs, possible isomer? possible_isomer.png
Entry  Thu Jul 1 18:07:10 2021, Shahab, Runs, settings of the analyzers after changing the trigger position asd.jpgasd2.jpg
Entry  Thu Jul 1 18:01:52 2021, Andrew Nic Shahab, DAQ, Change triggers to 10% 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 16:47:15 2021, Andrew Nic, Runs, Frequency shift 
    Reply  Thu Jul 1 17:01:43 2021, Jacobus, Runs, Frequency shift 245MHz-2021.
Entry  Thu Jul 1 16:27:57 2021, Andrew Nic, General, NTCAP parameters 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 15:25:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, template of NTCAP shift 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 14:47:15 2021, Yury, Helmut, Accelerator, added high Brho scrapers ESR-scraper-overview.jpgscrapers-used.JPG
Entry  Thu Jul 1 07:28:55 2021, Jan, Akash, Accelerator, Beam intensity 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 04:15:54 2021, David, Liliana, General, Beam intensity 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 01:35:15 2021, David, Liliana, General, Ion source change 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 00:09:28 2021, David, Liliana, General, Low beam intensity for few minutes 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 23:29:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Start a new run. 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 20:58:06 2021, Ragan, Helena, General, Few minutes of disruption 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 20:14:44 2021, Ragan, Helena, General, Drop in SIS intensity 
    Reply  Wed Jun 30 20:21:47 2021, Ragan, Helena, General, SIS intensity is back 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 19:59:39 2021, Shahab, Runs, Scraper positions 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 19:08:25 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se spectrum recorded in May output_126.tofplot_242.0_245.0.pngplot_242.0_245.0.rootplot_242.0_245.0.pdf
Entry  Wed Jun 30 15:21:44 2021, Shahab, Runs, data synch on WWW server 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 14:52:28 2021, Oliver, General, Re-Started data taking... 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 14:48:54 2021, Oliver, General, Data taking - and not... 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:57:14 2021, Yuri, Sergey, Accelerator, sextupoles + scraper positions photo_2021-06-30_14-09-08.jpgphoto_2021-06-30_14-02-25.jpg
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:05:08 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se 2021-06-30_11_54_00.png2021-06-30_11_54_00.pdf2021-06-30_11_54_00.rootoutput_127.tofoutput_128.tof
Entry  Wed Jun 30 13:04:40 2021, Shahab, Runs, 245 Amplifier on amplification_on245.png
Entry  Wed Jun 30 12:35:53 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Change reference level to -20dBm. Turn of amplifier. 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 12:26:58 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, NTCAP start. 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 09:04:50 2021, Yuri, Markus, Accelerator, Status 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 08:59:37 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, 70Se setting 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 02:12:46 2021, Shahab, Runs, still no beam in ESR: quadrupole magnets are down 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 01:38:20 2021, Shahab, Runs, beam is back from Linac but not in the ESR 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 00:20:10 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, ID of 70Se setting on May plot_242.0_245.0.pngplot_242.0_245.0.pdfplot_242.0_245.0.rootoutput_126.tof
Entry  Wed Jun 30 00:12:55 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, the ID of 72Ge setting plot_242.5_246.5.pngplot_242.5_246.5.rootoutput_127.tofplot_242.5_246.5.pdf
Entry  Tue Jun 29 21:15:01 2021, Kanika, Shahab, Runs, lost beam problem Unilac 
Entry  Tue Jun 29 21:12:15 2021, Kanika, Shahab, Runs, Moving the resonance frequency of the 245 MHz resonator  e143_resonance_change_2.PNG
Entry  Tue Jun 29 21:10:30 2021, Shahab, Runs, 72-Ge setting 
Entry  Tue Jun 29 20:40:55 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, start NTCAP 
Entry  Tue Jun 29 20:13:58 2021, Helmut, Sergey, Yuri, Accelerator, change to predrilling an 72Ge 
Entry  Tue Jun 29 10:32:10 2021, Sergey, Helmut, Accelerator, cooler curves for tuning of isochronicity isoc_curves.JPGiso_curves_june_2021_1.xlsx
Entry  Mon Jun 28 18:32:49 2021, Ruijiu, Shahab, DAQ, trigger signal connected to NTCAP and analyzers tri.jpg
Entry  Fri Jun 25 21:47:24 2021, Yuri, Analysis, Identification Spectrum_possible_ID.pngID_2nd_Part.jpg
Entry  Thu Jun 24 22:05:11 2021, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, LISE files for 72Ge, 70Se, 52Mn settings E143_TEline-ESR-72Ge.lppE143_TEline-ESR-70Se.lppE143_TEline-ESR-52Mn.lpp
Entry  Mon May 10 08:49:01 2021, Kanika, Alex, RuiJiu, General, End of the measurement 
Entry  Sun May 9 17:39:21 2021, Guy, Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 7th 19h vs 8th 21h 410MHz-05.09.19h-t11ms-sMontage.png410MHz-05.08.21h-t11ms-sMontage.png
    Reply  Mon May 10 04:08:13 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 245 MHz Sum_245MHz_May10-1-2am_5_0-5_175s.png
       Reply  Mon May 10 05:25:29 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz 8x
          Reply  Mon May 10 06:22:15 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz 9x
             Reply  Mon May 10 07:13:20 2021, Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.), Analysis, Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 5-6am on 410 MHz 9x
Entry  Mon May 10 06:35:58 2021, Kanika, Alex, Shahab, Runs, going back to shot by shot recording with 410 detector 
Entry  Mon May 10 06:16:31 2021, Kanika, Alex, Shahab, Runs, Recording broad band spectra with 410 
Entry  Mon May 10 03:37:53 2021, Chris C, Analysis, isomer? or wishful thinking? E143-410MHz-2021.
Entry  Mon May 10 01:34:37 2021, Chris C, General, Zoom screenshot Zoom_monitoring_2021-10-05_0131CET.PNG
Entry  Mon May 10 01:01:59 2021, Kanika, Alex, RuiJiu, General, Beam is back 
Entry  Mon May 10 00:51:38 2021, Kanika, Alex, RuiJiu, General, No beam in SIS 
Entry  Mon May 10 00:41:20 2021, Chris C, Accelerator, no beam 
Entry  Mon May 10 00:08:26 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -60dBm  
Entry  Mon May 10 00:00:49 2021, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Change reference level to -70dBm 
Entry  Sun May 9 23:59:26 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Start a new run. 
Entry  Sun May 9 23:32:24 2021, Helmut, Accelerator, parammodi saves 8x
Entry  Sun May 9 23:28:25 2021, Kanika, Alex, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Runs, return with the Ge setting of the last night 
Entry  Sun May 9 23:24:49 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, scraper optmisation for 72Ge 
Entry  Sun May 9 22:31:23 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, change to 72Ge 
Entry  Sun May 9 21:29:26 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, target TE3UF shift 
Entry  Sun May 9 20:39:17 2021, Shahab, Runs, Subtracting the background spectrum_subtraction.png
Entry  Sun May 9 20:34:47 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Comparison of frequency spectrum between 72Ge and other isotope 6x
Entry  Sun May 9 19:03:02 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, quadrupoles were down, fixed. 
Entry  Sun May 9 18:50:23 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, changed to 70Se 
Entry  Sun May 9 18:41:33 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking for energy change 
Entry  Sun May 9 16:19:06 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Shahab, Runs, Setting to 52Mn ???? 
Entry  Sun May 9 14:19:44 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, Spectrum 
Entry  Sun May 9 13:53:07 2021, Yuri, Wolfram, Andrew, Liliana, Calibration, Change of energy: Back as before Screenshot_2021-05-09_13-59-36.png
Entry  Sun May 9 13:15:38 2021, Liliana Andrew, Runs, Stopped data taking during modifications for the beam energy Screenshot_2021-05-09_13-25-26.png
Entry  Sun May 9 12:53:01 2021, Desislava Kalaydjieva, Taka Yamaguchi, Analysis, Analysis, Morning shift, 9 May 9x
Entry  Sun May 9 08:00:03 2021, Liliana, Andrew, General, Status  Screenshot_2021-05-09_08-01-17.png
Entry  Sun May 9 06:34:37 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, Analysis, Runs 2-3am Not_Mn52 Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s0_1_t8_0.pngNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s0_1_t8_0.rootNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s5_1_t0_5.pngNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_2-3am_s5_1_t0_5.root
    Reply  Sun May 9 07:16:47 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, Analysis, Runs 3-4am Not_Mn52 Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_3-4am_s0_1_t8_0.rootNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_3-4am_s0_1_t8_0.png
Entry  Sun May 9 06:53:20 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, General, Summary night shift 
Entry  Sun May 9 02:45:50 2021, Jacobus, Michele, Shahab, Runs, Example of possible 52.Mn isomer 52Mn_002.PNG
    Reply  Sun May 9 02:51:44 2021, Iris, Runs, Example of possible 52.Mn isomer 
       Reply  Sun May 9 03:24:12 2021, Iris (Shahab, Jacobus, Chris G., Michele), Runs, Example of possible 52.Mn isomer 
          Reply  Sun May 9 06:15:09 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, Runs, Triplet: zoom in 116-triplet.png
Entry  Sun May 9 05:56:29 2021, Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele, Analysis, Not_52Mn spectra added up Not_52Mn_245MHz_May09_1-2am.pngNot_52Mn_245MHz_May09_1-2am.root
Entry  Sun May 9 05:38:29 2021, Iris, Chris G., Analysis, offset btw png and tiq files from server? comp-116.png
    Reply  Sun May 9 05:54:11 2021, Ragan, Analysis, offset btw png and tiq files from server? 
Entry  Sun May 9 02:19:04 2021, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, First 52Mn run  
    Reply  Sun May 9 05:11:55 2021, Iris (Chris G., Jacobus, Michele), Runs, First 52Mn run (no 52Mn unfortunately) 
Entry  Sun May 9 04:15:50 2021, Michele, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, Beam issues for short duration 
Entry  Sun May 9 02:32:58 2021, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, possible 52-Mn isomer E143-245MHz-2021.
Entry  Sun May 9 01:49:25 2021, Helmut, Sergey, Yuri, Accelerator, change to 52Mn 
Entry  Sun May 9 01:19:47 2021, Helmut, Sergey, Accelerator, scraper optmisation for 72Ge IMG_20210508_210509.jpg
Entry  Sat May 8 22:06:36 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking with the high resolution 
Entry  Sat May 8 21:42:51 2021, All, Accelerator, Set up for 52Mn 
Entry  Sat May 8 21:42:26 2021, All, Runs, Stop72Ge 
Entry  Sat May 8 21:10:24 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, started data taking with high resolution E143-245MHz-2021.
Entry  Sat May 8 21:08:13 2021, Helmut, Sergey, Shahab, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, optimisation of sextuples 
Entry  Sat May 8 19:51:46 2021, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Change reference level to -50dBm 
Entry  Sat May 8 18:35:25 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -10dBm 
Entry  Sat May 8 17:29:54 2021, Yuri, Sergey, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, recording Kr decay measurement on NTCAP 
Entry  Sat May 8 16:08:58 2021, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, beam position of Kr before ESR TE3DG3-Kr.JPGTE3DGC-Kr.JPGTE5-grids-Kr.jpg
Entry  Sat May 8 15:18:23 2021, Michael, Wolfram, Yuri, General, Beam Settings changing 
Entry  Sat May 8 11:42:21 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, KPs 
Entry  Sat May 8 10:51:41 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, Calibration, ESR settings seem different Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_10.50.23.png
Entry  Sat May 8 08:44:32 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, Accelerator, No Beam! 
Entry  Sat May 8 08:16:08 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, Analysis, Night shift analysis 16x
Entry  Sat May 8 08:12:02 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, General, SIS, ESR time structure changes Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_08.08.14.png
Entry  Sat May 8 07:34:08 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, General, Zoom has its own mind 
Entry  Sat May 8 07:14:00 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, General, Morning shift entry 
Entry  Sat May 8 03:08:57 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -50dBm 
Entry  Sat May 8 03:05:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -60dBm 
Entry  Sat May 8 01:43:23 2021, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, 70Se setting 
Entry  Sat May 8 01:33:25 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, frequency list for 70Se setting freq-lines-70Se.JPGfrag-freq-list.xlsx
Entry  Sat May 8 01:06:19 2021, Philipp, Marta, General, Screenshot Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_00.58.16.png
Entry  Sat May 8 00:38:55 2021, Philipp, Marta, General, Screenshot Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_00.32.16.png
Entry  Fri May 7 23:08:44 2021, Michael, Kanika, Accelerator, Beam issues for short duration 
Entry  Fri May 7 22:48:33 2021, Chris, General, still running... E143-245MHz-2021.
Entry  Fri May 7 22:00:36 2021, Chris, Accelerator, brief beam loss 
Entry  Fri May 7 20:34:27 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Runs, back to 15 sec recording 
Entry  Fri May 7 20:28:32 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Analysis, Some pictures from the 410 detector 9x
Entry  Fri May 7 19:56:10 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Runs, ZOOM session restart 
Entry  Fri May 7 18:43:13 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Runs, cave M experiment needs more spills rep.jpg
Entry  Fri May 7 18:08:35 2021, Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, going back to the original energy 
Entry  Fri May 7 17:35:22 2021, Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, Energy change +6 MeV/u 
Entry  Fri May 7 17:12:52 2021, Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, trigger time back to 50% 
Entry  Fri May 7 17:12:14 2021, Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, Energy change -6 MeV/u 
Entry  Fri May 7 17:02:51 2021, Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, new sextupole setting 2 
Entry  Fri May 7 16:17:21 2021, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Shahab, Runs, new sextupole setting 
Entry  Fri May 7 16:09:50 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, Stop, change of sextuple settings 
Entry  Fri May 7 14:33:23 2021, Andrew Ragan Yuri , General, Beam is back 
Entry  Fri May 7 14:06:02 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, SIS kicker failure 
Entry  Fri May 7 12:37:35 2021, Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, Alex, General, Back with beam  
Entry  Fri May 7 11:40:20 2021, Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, General, Scraper is fixed - optimisation stage 
Entry  Fri May 7 10:46:40 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, GE02DS3HG 
Entry  Fri May 7 10:05:06 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, E02DS3HG does not drive 
Entry  Fri May 7 09:58:04 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, Setting up KO extraction for Caves 
Entry  Fri May 7 09:56:43 2021, Yuri, Calibration, Identification Verification 
Entry  Fri May 7 09:36:32 2021, Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, General, Beam stop at 0928, adjust scope 
Entry  Fri May 7 08:55:33 2021, Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, General, Trigger changed photo_2021-05-07_08-58-58.jpg
Entry  Fri May 7 08:04:22 2021, Carlo Bruno, Desislava Kalaydjieva, Analysis, 7:00 - 14:00 analysis shift 15x
Entry  Fri May 7 07:52:12 2021, Ragan, Andrew, General, To change trigger position 
Entry  Fri May 7 07:02:33 2021, Guy Leckenby, Analysis, Online Monitoring Plots E143_spec_1sec.png
Entry  Fri May 7 06:53:56 2021, Akash, Liliana, Analysis, Some plots 6x
Entry  Fri May 7 04:39:00 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Runs, Data taking starts 
Entry  Fri May 7 04:26:54 2021, Shahab, Runs, 245 MHz resonator extra 20dB gain off 
Entry  Fri May 7 04:01:51 2021, Shahab, Runs, Picture after scraping pic.jpg
Entry  Fri May 7 03:51:56 2021, Shahab, Analysis, peak frequencies New_Doc_6_1.jpgNew_Doc_6_2.jpg
Entry  Fri May 7 03:46:58 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, General, Scraper settings IMG_20210507_034213_resized_20210507_034848181.jpg
Entry  Fri May 7 03:44:55 2021, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, scraper optimisation 
Entry  Fri May 7 03:33:11 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, General, status 
Entry  Fri May 7 02:01:08 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Accelerator, Beam issues for short duration 
Entry  Fri May 7 01:49:03 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Comparison of I_Raw/Q_Raw between different reference level  20210501_NTCAPPreparation.png
Entry  Fri May 7 01:47:36 2021, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Change reference level to -30dBm  
Entry  Fri May 7 01:44:24 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -40dBm 
Entry  Fri May 7 01:07:27 2021, Helmut Weick, Analysis, maybe frequency ID frequencies.JPG
Entry  Thu May 6 23:06:18 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -50dBm 
Entry  Thu May 6 22:05:30 2021, Helmut, Accelerator, Beamline and ESR data sets for 72Ge setting 2021-05-06_22-07-09_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt2021-05-06_22-07-52_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt
Entry  Thu May 6 21:45:30 2021, Helmut, Detectors, beam position on TE5 grids 2021-05-06_21-32-36-171.png
Entry  Thu May 6 21:36:04 2021, Regina + Markus + Yuri, Accelerator, Cooler Curve cc_1.jpg
Entry  Thu May 6 21:26:02 2021, Yuri et al., Accelerator, Energies 
Entry  Thu May 6 18:21:42 2021, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, NTCAP started again IMG_20210506_182118.jpgIMG_20210506_182017.jpg
Entry  Thu May 6 17:48:48 2021, W. Korten, Helmut, General, ESR setting for 72Ge ions with primary beam  
Entry  Thu May 6 17:02:49 2021, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Scaler signals and parameters of NTCAP p1.JPGp2.JPGp4.png
Entry  Thu May 6 16:45:42 2021, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Data taking with NTCAP 1.jpg2.jpg
Entry  Thu May 6 14:30:23 2021, W. Korten, General, Target thickness 
Entry  Thu May 6 14:28:32 2021, Helmut Weick, Calibration, Be target thickness calibration -> 1839 mg/cm^2 
Entry  Thu May 6 13:26:56 2021, Helmut Weick, Detectors, TE5 profile grids do not work no_trigger.png
Entry  Thu May 6 00:32:57 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, GICOSY file for TE beamline and ESR SIS-TE-ESR-isoc-std.datTE-ESR.JPG
Entry  Tue May 4 21:49:04 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, cut Brho by scrapers dispersion-oscillaction.JPG
Entry  Tue May 4 18:25:31 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, cutting of primary beam TE4-slits.JPGTE5-slits.JPG
Entry  Tue May 4 17:54:08 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, updated LISE file E143_TEline-ESR-2.lpp
Entry  Tue May 4 13:26:40 2021, Yuri, Simulations, Expected spectrum 72Ge 
Entry  Wed Apr 28 09:36:39 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, LISE file for fragments from TE3UF into ESR E143_weick.pptxE143_TE-ESR.lpp
Entry  Fri Apr 23 13:47:55 2021, Jan Glorius, Collaboration, experiment proposal ESR_Two-Photon_proposal_final.pdf
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b