E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thu Sep 13 11:32:17 2018, Jan Glorius, Collaboration, Proposal E121_Litvinov.pdfE121_Approval.pdf
Attached is the beam time proposal submitted and accepted by the G-PAC in 2017.
Entry  Mon Dec 3 15:06:04 2018, Chen, Sidhu, DAQ, Test of two preamplifier. 20181121_ElectronicCircuits_1.png20181121_ElectronicCircuits_2.png20181121_ElectronicCircuits_3.png20181121_ElectronicCircuits_4.png
We have two pre-amplifiers:
New: Max. range 5GeV, Two sensitivity options: 1 GeV and 5 GeV, Decay time = 30 us, pulse input 220 MeV/u, Ser. #MPR-32-D-5000-30-1118380.
Old: Max. range 5GeV, Two sensitivity options: 1 GeV and 5 GeV, Decay time = 25 us, pulse input 220 MeV/u. Ser. #MPR-32-D-5000-25-0414310.

Both pre-amplifiers work well.

The summary is attached in the followings:

Entry  Wed Dec 5 17:29:24 2018, Chen, Sidhu, Detectors, signal map 13x

Here is a summary of signal map. The charged particle detector includes 6 layers of Si-Pad, 1 DSSD and 1 CsI.
All these detectors are installed inside the detector pocket. All signals are connected to one PCB which is attached on the pocket, then are connected
to the PCB of the flange by high density cable. This document descripts the signal map on the PCB of the detector
pocket and flange.

The signal maps of the PCB of the detector pocket are shown as follow:

Entry  Fri Dec 7 10:56:04 2018, Jan Glorius, SlowControl, EPICS ioc on raspberry 
We have an EPCIS server (ioc) running on our raspberry (ext-027377). It talks to our MesyTec modules (MSCF shapers, MHV4 high-voltages).
In principal it should be running all the time, but here is the manual how to check/start it:

-login on GSI-linux using <litv-exp> user
-type in console: e121pi (alias for: 'ssh -X litv-exp@ext-027377.gsi.de')
-open the "mrcc" screen session: screen -x mrcc
-if the ioc is running you will see here terminal outputs like:

cbLow: Active ringpi:mrcc:mhv2:getRcStatus
cbLow: Active ringpi:mrcc:mhv2:getCurrent1

-if this is not the case, you have to restart the ioc:
- <Ctrl>+c to end any running ioc (if it has errors)
- the command to start the ioc: e121_ioc (alias for '/home/litv-exp/epics/mrcc_ioc/bin/linux-arm/mrcc /home/litv-exp/epics/mrcc_ioc/iocBoot/iocmrcc/start_ringpi.cmd')
- now the terminal outputs should be as quoted above (errors show up in red)

- finally <Ctrl>+a d to exit the screen session
Entry  Fri Dec 7 11:39:41 2018, Jan Glorius, SlowControl, GUI for remote control of MSCF+MHV4 
We have a GUI for remote controlling our MesyTec modules MSCF16 and MHV4 for E121 experiment.

Here is the instructions to run it:

1. login to GSI-linux using <litv-exp> user
2. get the EPICS environment by typing in terminal: epicsfind
3. type in terminal: GUIe121 (alias for 'medm -x /u/litv-exp/E121/medm/e121.adl')

if you get the message: 'medm: command not found' you didn't load the EPICS environment (2.)

The GUI is more or less self-explaining.
Be sure to follow this procedure when changing a value (e.g. threshold for MSCF):

1. click on small text-panel with value
2. leave mouse pointer inside panel
3. change value by typing
4. press enter
Entry  Mon Dec 10 11:59:15 2018, Chen, Sidhu, Detectors, Test of shaping amplifier. TestOfShapingAmplifier.jpg20181207_Test_of_shaping-amplifier2.jpg20181207_Test_of_shaping-amplifier3.jpg20181207_Test_of_shaping-amplifier4.jpg

Entry  Tue Mar 12 12:54:58 2019, Chen, Sidhu, DAQ, how to start DAQ and plot histogram. 000000000001_edit.png55_PM.pngdrawing-1.png
1. login litv-exp account
rchen@lxg1254:/data.local2/2002_238UIMS$ ssh -X litv-exp@lxg0155.gsi.de
(don't login on lx-pool.)
litv-exp@lx-pool.gsi.de's password: ViValasVegas@****
2.login r4l-47 account
litv-exp@lxi087:~$ ssh r4l-47
litv-exp@r4l-47's password:ViValasVegas@****
3.start mbs
R4L-47 litv-exp > mbs
mbs> -R4L-47 :msg_log :Message logger running
3.1 Initilizing, show, start and stop the acq

mbs> @startup
-R4L-47 Big grinispatch :Task "m_util" not started!
mbs> @startup
-R4L-47 :util :task m_util started
-R4L-47 :util :setup file setup.usf successfully loaded
-R4L-47 :util :trigger module set up as MASTER, crate nr: 0
-R4L-47 :util :enabled interrupt
-R4L-47 :collector Tongueipe type 2 or 4: virtual mapping
-R4L-47 :transport :task m_transport started
-R4L-47 :read_meb Tongueipe type 2 or 4: virtual mapping
-R4L-47 :transport :starting server in inclusive mode
-R4L-47 :transport :waiting for client (port 6000)
mbs> -R4L-47 :read_meb :task m_read_meb started
-R4L-47 :stream_serv:task m_stream_serv started
-R4L-47 :collector :task m_collector started

mbs> show acq
-R4L-47 Big grinispatch :Task "m_util" not started!

mbs> show acq
-R4L-47 :util :--------------------------------------------------------------
-R4L-47 :util :ACQUISITION INITIALIZED 12-Mar-19 13:44:09: active tasks:
-R4L-47 :util :m_util m_transport m_daq_rate m_collector m_stream_serv
-R4L-47 :util :m_read_meb
-R4L-47 :util :SB setup LOADED from setup.usf.
-R4L-47 :util :Readout table NOT LOADED, acquisition STOPPED.
-R4L-47 :util :There are 32 streams with 32 buffers a 32768 each.
-R4L-47 :util :Current crate is 0, event builder is RIO4.
-R4L-47 :util :--------------------------------------------------------------
-R4L-47 :util :Crate 0: ID= 20, LOCAL SYNC SYNC , subevent slots=200000.
-R4L-47 :util : trig 1: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 2: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 3: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 4: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 5: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 6: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 7: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 8: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 9: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 10: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 11: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 12: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 13: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 14: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util : trig 15: cvt= 300, fclrt= 12 [usec], max se length=100000 b
-R4L-47 :util :--------------------------------------------------------------
-R4L-47 :util :Name of output device =
-R4L-47 :util :Tape label = , Dismounted, file CLOSED
-R4L-47 :util : 0.000 [MB] written to tape, 0.000 to file
-R4L-47 :util :--------------------------------------------------------------
-R4L-47 :util :Collected: 0.0000 MB, 0 Buffers, 0 Events.
-R4L-47 :util :Rate : 0 KB/s, 0 Buffers/s, 0 Events/s
-R4L-47 :util :--------------------------------------------------------------

mbs> start acq
mbs> stop acq
-R4L-47 :util :stop acquisition
mbs> -R4L-47 :collector :acquisition NOT running
-R4L-47 :read_meb :found trig type 15 == stop acquisition

4. plot the histogram
litv-exp@lxi087:~/2019Munich-Det/Go4-Muenchen-3V785AH-1V830-simple$ go4
Go4 v5.3.2, build with ROOT 6.12/06 and Qt 4.8.6
Using Qt settings at /u/litv-exp/.config/GSI/go4.conf (default)

Entry  Tue May 7 15:52:47 2019, Chen, Sidhu, SlowControl, GUI for remote control of MSCF+MHV4 [detailed] 000000000003.png
We have a GUI for remote controlling our MesyTec modules MSCF16 and MHV4 for E121 experiment.

Here is the instructions to run it:

1. login to GSI-linux using <litv-exp> user
litv-exp@astrum1:~$ ssh -X litv-exp@lxg1254.gsi.de

2. get the EPICS environment by typing in terminal: epicsfind
litv-exp@lxg1254:~$ epicsfind
Found nice EPICS in /u/litv-exp/epics/opt_x86_64-linux-gnu_4.9.2.

3. type in terminal: GUIe121 (alias for 'medm -x /u/litv-exp/E121/medm/e121.adl')
litv-exp@lxg1254:~$ GUIe121

if you get the message: 'medm: command not found' you didn't load the EPICS environment (1.)

The GUI is more or less self-explaining.
Be sure to follow this procedure when changing a value (e.g. threshold for MSCF):

1. click on small text-panel with value
2. leave mouse pointer inside panel
3. change value by typing
4. press enter
Entry  Tue May 28 08:36:14 2019, Jan, DAQ, MBS start & RFIO server 
You need a DAQ-PC and the RIO crate computer.
All of the DAQ proceedures laid out here are operated from inside the DAQ screen session.
Right now for e121 the following DAQ-setup is used: (might change in the future)

DAQ-PC: lxg0155
screen session: e121_daq @ lxg0155
RIO: r4l-47
DAQ dir: /esr/usr/litv-exp/2019Munich-Det

The most important commands:

mbs - start mbs DAQ
rawDispRFIO64 - start RFIO server

in MBS shell
@startup - initialize MBS (only inside DAQ dir)
@connect - connect RFIO server (only if server running)
@runstart - open file for data writing
@runstop - close file
start acq - start DAQ
show acq - status of DAQ
show file - status of current file/RFIO server

The full proceedure for the DAQ:
  • on DAQ-PC enter screen session:
    litv-exp@lxg____:~$ screen -x e121_daq
    or create new screen session if non is exisiting:
    litv-exp@lxg____:~$ screen -S e121_daq
  • inside screen: go to 1st tab (MBS) and login to RIO if not yet done:
    <Ctrl-a 0>
    litv-exp@lxg____:~$ ssh r4l-47
  • on RIO reset and start MBS
    R4L-47 litv-exp > cd 2019Munich-Det
    R4L-47 litv-exp > resl
    R4L-47 litv-exp > mbs
    mbs > @startup
  • inside screen go to 2nd tab (RFIO)
    <Ctrl-a 1>
    or create 2nd tab if not exisiting
    <Ctrl-a c>
  • start RFIO server on DAQ-PC
    litv-exp@lxg____:~$ cd /u/litv-exp/rfio
    litv-exp@lxg____:~$ ./rawDispRFIO64-wheezy
    -I- 64 bit RFIO test server (lxg0155) listening on port 1974
        forks './rawServRFIO64-wheezy' for each client request
  • inside screen go to 1st tab and connect MBS to RFIO server
    <Ctrl-a 0>
    mbs > @connect
    mbs> show file
    mbs> -R4L-47  :transport  :Name of output device = RFIO
    -R4L-47  :transport  :current tape label    = lxg0155 , opened
    -R4L-47  :transport  :current file name     =  , closed
    -R4L-47  :transport  :       0.000 MBytes written to tape
    -R4L-47  :transport  :       0.000 MBytes written to current file
  • start acquisition
    mbs > start acq
    mbs > show acq
    -R4L-47  :util       :Name of output device = RFIO
    -R4L-47  :util       :RFIO server  lxg0155, file CLOSED
    -R4L-47  :util       :       0.000 [MB] written to tape,        0.000 to file
    -R4L-47  :util       :--------------------------------------------------------------
    -R4L-47  :util       :Collected:    61.1451 MB,    1866 Buffers,     131990 Events.
    -R4L-47  :util       :Rate     :         33 KB/s,     1 Buffers/s,       71 Events/s
    -R4L-47  :util       :--------------------------------------------------------------
  • open file / start a run
    mbs > @runstart
    -R4L-47  :transport  :open   file at server lxg0155::
    -R4L-47  :transport  :/data.local1/E121/predata/e121_run_1239.lmd
  • close file / stop a run
    mbs > @runstop
    -R4L-47  :transport  :Rfio server lxg0155: closed file after      0.262 MB written:
    -R4L-47  :transport  :-I- remote output file /data.local1/E121/predata/e121_run_1239.lmd closed
    mbs> -R4L-47  :transport  :/data.local1/E121/predata/e121_run_1239.lmd
Entry  Wed Jun 26 16:20:31 2019, Jan, DAQ, unpacker: lmd > root E121.specdet_mapping.hh
I have written an unpacker for the lmd data taken with the current daq-system for E121.
The crate configuration is as follows:
ADC1 channels 1-32 (Caen 785)
ADC2 channels 1-32 (Caen 785)
ADC3 channels 1-32 (Caen 785)
SCALER channels 1-32 (Caen 830)

The unpacker binary can be found here

The current spec file is attached.

To convert lmd-files to root-files, please use it as follows:
litv-exp@lxg___: E121_unpacker /path/to/file.lmd --ntuple=RAW,/path/to/new_file.root
Entry  Tue Aug 27 14:53:47 2019, Chen, Sidhu, Detectors, The thickness uncertainty of Ta is less than 1%.  20180711ChargeParticleDetectorV8.png20180711ChargeParticleDetectorV8.png2019_08-Ta-Blech.xlsx
The thickness of Ta plate have been measured by target group. The result is show as following.
According to this measurement, the thickness uncertainty is less than 1%.
This thickness uncertainty is good enough for Tl experiment.
Entry  Thu Oct 24 15:36:13 2019, Chen, Sidhu, Detectors, Detector installation process Detector_installation_process1.pngDetector_installation_process2.pngDetector_installation_process3.pngDetector_installation_process.pdf

Entry  Wed Jan 29 10:42:42 2020, Shahab, General, Gas target control with the new control system event IMG_20200128_153508.jpgIMG_20200128_145345.jpgIMG_20200128_145340.jpgIMG_20200128_145307.jpgIMG_20200128_144555.jpg
Many thanks to Sergey and Nikos we have tested the connection of the new control system for turning on and off of the gas target.


For the test event machines 12 (event 162) and 14 (event 163) were chosen for gas target on and off. The old Pulzzentrale code remains unchanged on 10. The middle output of the TIF editors can then be connected to the gas target control.

The created pulses were measured on the oscilloscope and hat the duration of 1us and amplitude of 5V.

The gas target control then produces the required long pulse which comes out as a BNC connection. If in the local mode, gas target can controlled by out-on and out-off. For the above scenario, we need the event mode.

The output of the gas target control is connected to the ESR-Messhuette-Panel number 2, which goes back to Messhuete and form there to the top of ESR.

All connections are working properly until the gas target itself.


Different subchains can be activated and deactivated on demand. Also their duration can be changed on the fly, but currently a change in other settings (such as Quadrupoles) might reset the duration values to their default.
Entry  Fri Feb 21 11:30:52 2020, Laszlo, General, Shift plan 
e127: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14m8WcCq1erx6HqWJRK7TLbCx121IkjqGa5l-frf4YjI/edit#gid=0

e121: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10MUzA5-Ilf2WzCyNj8u_KSG6yzPg0e4vtZGGPFB3K-k/edit#gid=0
Entry  Tue Feb 25 15:48:31 2020, ruijiu chen, DAQ, Important folders of e121 eperiments: 
1. slow control:
1.1. program file:
litv-exp@ringpi:~/epics/mrcc_ioc/db $ 
1.2 user interface:

2. mbs:
2.1 user interface
litv-exp@lxg1298:~/E121/scripts$ ./e121_gui.py
2.2 source 
R4L-47 litv-exp > pwd                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
3. go4:
litv-exp@lxg1298:~/2019Munich-Det/Go4-Muenchen-3V785AH-1V830-simple$ go4
4. experimenal data:
Entry  Tue Feb 25 15:49:58 2020, ruijiu chen, DAQ, changing scaling factor. 
How to change scaling factor?
The parameters is in f_user.c file:
1. open the f_user.C with emacs :
R4L-47 litv-exp > emacs -nw f_user.c
2. change the parameters "MWPC_downscale". 
#define MWPC_downscale 0    // reduction = 2**MWPC_downscale                  
3.compile the program.
4. restart mbs.                                                                                                                                                               
Entry  Thu Feb 27 14:04:12 2020, Ruijiu Chen, Detectors, Remote control of HV module 20180711ChargeParticleDetectorV8.jpg
Be careful. The voltage value on user interface is 10 times of real value. e.g. if the real value is 32V, the voltage value on UI has to be 320V.
Entry  Thu Mar 26 17:21:40 2020, Ragan, General, Stochastic cooling 
1) From SIS, 206Pb67+ @401.17 MeV/u goes to FRS where only SEETRAM is placed in the target area to strip off 206Pb67+ to get 206Pb81+.
2) There is 206Pb81+ (H-like primary beam) inside ESR at 400 MeV/u.
3) The ESR team is now trying Stochastic cooling with 206Pb81+ beam at 400 MeV/u.
Entry  Fri Mar 27 13:02:07 2020, Ragan, General, Stochastic cooling stochastic_cooling.PNG
1) ESR team is successful with the Stochstic cooling of primary H-like 206Pb81+ beam @400 MeV/u.
2) Now, they are trying for stacking of the beam.
Entry  Fri Mar 27 13:04:17 2020, Ragan, General, FRS Settings until now frs.pdfFRS.pdf
Yuri and Helmut have been extensively involved in tuning and optimizing of the FRS.

26th March, 2020 (Evening setting):
1) 206Pb67+ beam from SIS @401.17 MeV/u.
2) SEETRAM in target area of FRS is used for stripping the beam from SIS to get 206Pb81+ and is then transported to ESR @400 MeV/u. (SEETRAM consists of three Ti foils of ~10 um thickness which are used for stripping purpose (more info: https://www-win.gsi.de/frs-setup/ ))
3) SL1 slits are opened +-10 mm to get rid of other charge states of 206Pb and only transport 206Pb81+ through FRS.

27th March, 2020 (Evening setting):
1) Different target (Be 1-6 g/cm2 with Nb backing) and degrader (Al)thicknesses are used for the optimization of 206Pb81+ with matter in FRS to get the beam with @400 MeV/u in ESR.
2) 206Pb67+ beam from SIS @540-560 MeV/u.
Entry  Fri Mar 27 13:40:54 2020, Ragan, General, NTCap start and shutdown information ntcapmanual.pdf
The attachment contains information on how to start and shutdown NTCap and bridge computer.
Entry  Fri Mar 27 19:51:37 2020, Ragan, General, ESR Machine 
By changing the tune to Qx=2.33, Qy=2.36 the momentum acceptance was significantly improved. A variation of the cooler voltage of 10300 V was possible without beam loss. That corresponds to a momentum acceptance of 2.7 %. That should provide good conditions for longitudinal stacking.

Thanks to the ESR team !
Entry  Fri Mar 27 19:59:09 2020, Ragan, General, Beam stacking in ESR is achieved 8B7F254E-DB10-48B6-9E2E-9CA0FF998C12.MOVstacking.png
Thanks to Sergey and Markus, stacking of primary H-like 206Pb81+ beam in ESR is achieved.

The stacking of the primary beam was established. There is continuous cooling on the injection orbit by stochastic cooling and by electron cooling on the stack orbit. (Time controlled operation of stochastic cooling could not be achieved due to controls issues). After stchastic cooling on the injection orbit the rf system decelerates the beam by 1.5 % in momentum and at the lower momentum electron cooling keeps the beam. The DC trafo shows accumulation of 10 injections of primary low intensity Pb81+ beam. Losses during the accumulation seems to be small.
Entry  Fri Mar 27 20:05:43 2020, Ragan, General, H2 gas jet ready BAFA7906-5F66-4108-86F9-6D61573B43CD.MOV
Thanks to Nikos, stable H2 gas jet target with 10^14 particles/cm^3 is ready.
(More information can be found on: https://ulpc24.gsi.de/cgi-bin/jet.py?gasart=Helium )
Entry  Fri Mar 27 20:52:31 2020, Ragan, General, Plans for the measurement with 206Pb81+ 
We plan to measure:

1. Lifetime of H-like 206Pb81+ beam with two electron cooler currents:
a) 200 mA
b) 10 mA (so that recombination rate is less)
using MWPC (capture detector in outer pocket) and CsISiPHOS (loss detector in inner pocket). 

2. To find the efficiency of the MWPC.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 01:14:19 2020, Ragan, General, Cross-section for capture and ionisation of 206Pb81+ with H2 target  GLOBAL.pdf
Cross-section for capture and ionisation of 206Pb81+ with H2 gas jet target are calculated using GLOBAL code.
The ionisation (on CsISiPHOS) and capture (on MWPC) trigger rates are calculated for 206Pb81+ beam with 10^6 particles revolving in ESR ~2 MHz frequency with H2 gas jet target density ~ 10^14 particles/cm3.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 04:32:15 2020, Ragan, Detectors, Ionisation events on DSSSD 9800D808-D570-466D-8411-512D069F9233.jpeg
XY co-relation of DSSSD showing 206Pb82+ beam hitting the CsISiPHOS detector present in the inner pocket of ESR after the first dipole after the gas jet. 206Pb82+ is 
produced by ionisation of 
206Pb81+ due to interaction of beam with the gas jet.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 04:50:34 2020, Ragan, Detectors, MWPC 4475A53F-48AB-430E-8A22-7D92E5FEACBF.jpeg
Alex and Pierre-Michel applied 1500 V to the anode and adjusted the threshold in Messhute.
x1 signal was small & noisy and rest of the signals were fine.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 11:00:14 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, Yuri, Tino, Detectors, Movement of detector IMG_20200328_110253.jpgIMG_20200328_110258.jpg
10:51 am the CsISiPHOS is moved to 65 mm from 60 mm.The spot on the DSSSD is changed by 5 mm which confirms the hit of the beam.

Detector is moved back to 60 mm.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 11:07:49 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Tino, , General, Nikos is changing gas jet target 
The gas jet target is now being changed from H2 to Ar by Nikos.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 11:20:10 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, Yuri, Tino, General, Reducing beam intensity in ESR 
Yuri reduces beam intensity in the ESR to reduce the countrate on the detectors.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 11:28:11 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, Yuri, Tino, General, ESR open 
ESR is open now
Entry  Sat Mar 28 12:19:21 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, DAQ, Change of the polarity of Amplifiers 7888530B-DE66-4D37-A0A8-933307DD2AB8.MOV
Since last night, the signals from the p-side of all the Si pads were seen as negative on picoscope.
The signals from DSSSD, all n-sides of Si pads and CsI were positive which all are in MSCF-5.
Thus, I and RuiJiu, changed the polarity jumpers of MSCF 1,2,3 and 4(all the four jumpers inside the mentioned MSCF) and now hope to see positive signals from the p-side of all the Si pads.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 13:09:11 2020, Mei,Yury, Tino, Ragan, Ruijiu, General, Shift plan 
From Yury,

For now, measure the beam life time with 3 different electron current in the e-cooler,i.e. 200mA(default), 10mA, and 20mA. For each current, 4 sets of 30mins long measurements shall be taken.

Starting from 9pm Helmut and Sergey will come for setting up FRS
Entry  Sat Mar 28 13:19:56 2020, Ragan, Runs, Template 
storage time:

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  mm
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at xx:xx , first file: run0xxx.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xxx.lmd



I_cooler =  mA

CH1 voltage:           60V  
CH1 leakage current:   uA

CH2 voltage:           60V  
CH2 leakage current:   uA

CH3 voltage:           60V  
CH3 leakage current:   uA

CH4 voltage:           60V  
CH4 leakage current:   uA

CH1 voltage:           60V  
CH1 leakage current:   uA

CH2 voltage:           60V  
CH2 leakage current:   uA

CH3 voltage:           -50V  
CH3 leakage current:   uA

CH4 voltage:           -160V  
CH4 leakage current:   uA

SIS particles before:           
ESR particles after stacking:     
Number of stackings:
Target ON density:   
Target on time for measurement:           

NTCAp file:

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 28 14:19:24 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Mei, Yuri, General, Instructions to change the electron cooler current instructions.pdf
Attached are the instructions on how to change the electron cooler current for the lifetime measurements of 206Pb81+ beam (interaction with residual gas and electron cooler).
Entry  Sat Mar 28 15:07:40 2020, ruijiu, DAQ, start run  
Entry  Sat Mar 28 15:19:23 2020, ruijiu, , start run e121_run_0236.lmd 
store 206Pb81+ beam inside ESR and measure its halflife. 
The HV of detector is off.
Start DAQ to record the ESR current in lmd file.
Nik is optimizing the gas jet target. So this file is still test run.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 15:23:05 2020, Alex, Ragan, Mei Bai , General, beam lifetime measurement 15854053877798703970476301545600.jpg
We see two species in the Schottky spectra during the beam lifetime measurement without the target. The one (probably the primiary beam) is significantly better cooled than the other.
So, we were wondering what is the other beam? Maybe the recombined ones?
Entry  Sat Mar 28 16:09:50 2020, Alex, General, no beam in the ESR 
Ragan and Ruijiu went in the ESR for short time to fix something with the slow control of the silicon detector.
After this, there is no beam in the ESR.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 16:12:25 2020, ruijiu, ragan, DAQ, enter ESR and turn on the HV crate. 
Entry  Sat Mar 28 16:29:27 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Esther, General, Malfunction of several ESR machines 
The HKR crew informs us that several machines in ESR are showing malfunctions.
The on-call expert cannot be reached.

Update (16:36): On-call service has been informed.

Update (16:48): ESR cycle stopped.
Entry  Sat Mar 28 18:11:13 2020, Alex, Yuri, General, no beam in the ESR 
Yuri and Sergey (on phone) have investigated extensively the problem with having no beam in the ESR. The FRS has been checked and seems OK. The ESR is fine as well.
The problem seems to be the timing. Ths SIS and the ESR seem to be completely out of synchronization. The on-call service for the control system has been called. 
Entry  Sun Mar 29 09:40:35 2020, ruijiu, DAQ, restart go4 IMG_20200329_093354.jpg
go4 crush up. 
the problem is 
due to  mbs. 
restart mbs. 
see an error. 
restart again. 
the mbs and go4 
are working 
Entry  Sun Mar 29 09:57:26 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, the HV of charged particle detector IMG_20200329_095014.jpg
        MHV1     MHV2
ch1:1st Sipad  4th 
ch2:2nd Sipad  6th 
ch3:3rd Sipad  DSSD
ch4:4th Sipad  CsI
Entry  Sun Mar 29 10:09:14 2020, ruijiu, , start run e121_run_0237.lmd 
Sergey and Yuri are tuning Tl beam. The particle number in ers is about 1e4. I(SIS)=5e8
run stop: after few minutes (garbage data)
Entry  Sun Mar 29 11:12:00 2020, Ragan, Runs, start run e121_run_0239.lmd  
Sergey and Yuri are tuning Tl beam. The particle number in ers is about 1e4. I(SIS)=5e8

some events on MWPC can be seen !
Entry  Sun Mar 29 12:56:02 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, General, Good positive signals from MSCF E1DF3452-4051-4EFF-ADC2-519389D0E60F.MOV
As we (RuiJiu and me) changed the jumpers of MSCF 1, 2,3 and 4 yesterday, now we see nice positive signals on picoscope.
Yuri and Sergey are still working on optimising the Tl fragments !
Entry  Sun Mar 29 13:04:32 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run file: 1298 61308F61-2C4C-4651-8C74-608E4E585B14.jpegEB5CA42A-B8DC-4892-8357-9006A1C3BAC0.jpeg
The Tl fragments are being stacked (almost ~20 staacks) and tried to store nicely in ESR.
The plan is to see the number of contaminants on the inner detector (CsISiPHOS) after the gas jet is on (Ar gas jet) and minimise this number for different FRS settings !!

P.S. Prayers have magical powers :) :) 
Entry  Sun Mar 29 13:05:36 2020, ruijiu, DAQ, start ntcap IMG_20200329_130438.jpg
Entry  Sun Mar 29 13:43:46 2020, , ,  5765BDDD-C10A-44AD-AF85-07134B06F34E.jpeg
Entry  Sun Mar 29 14:01:45 2020, ruijiu, , beam position on DSSD IMG_20200329_140003.jpg
move the detector 1cm 
outside.from 60mm to 
left direction is 
outside. right direction 
inside(close to beam).
the spot is moving from 
left to right.
Entry  Sun Mar 29 14:29:13 2020, ruijiu, , e121_run_00240.lmd 
s6 positon at 50mm.
Entry  Sun Mar 29 18:41:31 2020, ruijiu, Analysis, Ratio between MPWC rate and DSSD rate ratio.png
slit	Ratio	error
-1	18.64	0.4
-2	18.18	0.38
-3	20.85	0.5
-4	18.15	0.34
-5	17.44	0.31
-6	17.38	0.32
-7	17.82	0.32
-8	16.41	0.27
-9	18.51	0.37
Entry  Sun Mar 29 18:55:19 2020, Shahab, Runs, Frequency list for identification freqs.jpg
Here are some frequencies for identification of the fragments.

Center freq: 243.352675
span: 2 MHz

from left to right:

243.352675 --> largest peak possibly 205-Tl-81+ (not 100% sure)
Entry  Sun Mar 29 20:32:20 2020, Ragan, General, Template for Pb halflive measurement 

purpose: data with electron cooler current xx mA

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  mm
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at xx:xx , first file: run0xxx.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xxx.lmd



I_cooler =  mA

CH1 voltage:           V  
CH1 leakage current:   uA

CH2 voltage:           V  
CH2 leakage current:   uA

CH3 voltage:           V  
CH3 leakage current:   uA

CH4 voltage:           V  
CH4 leakage current:   uA

CH1 voltage:           V  
CH1 leakage current:   uA

CH2 voltage:           V  
CH2 leakage current:   uA

CH3 voltage:           V  
CH3 leakage current:   uA

CH4 voltage:           V  
CH4 leakage current:   uA

SIS particles before:           
ESR particles at injection:     
ESR particles after stacking:     
Target ON density:              

NTCAp file:

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sun Mar 29 21:02:43 2020, ruijiu, Analysis, decay line of 205Tl beam main_s6_neg8_202003292059.pngmain_s6_neg8_202003292059.root
decay line of 205Tl beam with Ar gas jet target on and S6 slit at -8mm
Ar gas density~1e12 atoms/cm2
Entry  Sun Mar 29 21:34:46 2020, Ragan, Runs, First run 
beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data with primary beam for detector efficiency and cross-section calculations

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 21:25 , run file: run0250.lmd
run stop  at 21:31 , close file:  run0250.lmd


time: 21:25

I_cooler = 177 mA

SIS particles before:  2E8        
ESR particles when gas jet is on:  3.6E6
Target ON density:  4.34E12        

NTCAp file:

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sun Mar 29 21:39:27 2020, ruijiu, Analysis, Ionization cross section and capture cross section for h-206Pb + Ar 202003292141.png
Ionization cross section = 1320 barn.
Capture cross section = 557+137+44.5=735.5.
Entry  Sun Mar 29 21:55:47 2020, Ragan, General, MWPC Comparison.png
Alex goes to Messhute to check the signals from MPWC. After he completes, we start with the measurements with the primary beam )
Entry  Sun Mar 29 23:48:12 2020, Jan, Analysis, run0251: E_spectra for CsISiPhos  14x
This is a collection of energy spectra of the CsISiPhos detectors from run0251 with primary beam.

There is no good spectra for n-side of Si-pad 1!
Entry  Mon Mar 30 00:32:32 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 
beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data with primary beam for detector efficiency and cross-section calculations

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 00:28 , run file: run0252.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , close file:  run0.lmd


time: 00:28

I_cooler = 176 mA

SIS particles before:  3E8        
ESR particles when gas jet is on:  2.4E6
Target ON density:  4.45E12        
Target on time : 5 minutes

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:01:53 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 
beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data with primary beam for detector efficiency and cross-section calculations

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 00:28 , run file: run0252.lmd
file currently running: run0257.lmd


time: 01:00

I_cooler = 176 mA

SIS particles before:  3.3E8        
ESR particles when gas jet is on:  2.4E6
Target ON density:  4.49E12        
Target on time : 5 minutes

NTCAp file:
SC_2020-03-30_00_28_45 (run ongoing)
IQ_2020-03-30_00_28_45 (run ongoing)
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:07:29 2020, Ragan, General, Problem with SIS runstop: 0256 
There is problem with SIS
Run stop: 0257.lmd (at1:06)
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:25:57 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 
01:17 Problem with SIS is solved
01:19 run start 0258.lmd

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data with primary beam for detector efficiency and cross-section calculations

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 01:19 , run file: run0258.lmd
file currently running: 


time: 01:19

I_cooler = 176 mA

SIS particles before:  1.5E8        
ESR particles when gas jet is on:  2.8E6
Target ON density:  4.49E12        
Target on time : 5 minutes

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:43:58 2020, Ragan, General, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam pattern details 90FC7D41-6C97-4760-B5A3-3CF60643A405.jpegBF20DBD8-1672-4817-8412-13B29CBF2E0A.jpeg
The following shows the pattern for first measurement in ESR (gas jet is on for = 60*5 secs = 300 secs as it can be seen on step SC7 in pattern).
One injection cycle runs for ~ 6 mins.
Entry  Mon Mar 30 02:00:46 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 
beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data with primary beam for detector efficiency and cross-section calculations

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 01:19 , run file: run0258.lmd
run stop at 02:05: stop file: 0265.lmd


time: 02:05

I_cooler = 176 mA

SIS particles before:  3.3E8        
ESR particles when gas jet is on:  4E6
Target ON density:  4.53E12        
Target on time : 5 minutes

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 02:27:44 2020, Ragan, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 02:24 , run file: run0267.lmd  (0266.lmd is garbage file)
run stop at :


time: 02:24

I_cooler = 176 mA

SIS particles before:  2.5E8        
ESR particles:  4.9E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 02:58:51 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 02:24 , run file: run0267.lmd  (0266.lmd is garbage file)
file running: 0267.lmd


time: 03:00

I_cooler = 176 mA
ESR particles:  4.2E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 03:30:03 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 02:24 , run file: run0267.lmd  (0266.lmd is garbage file)
file running: 0267.lmd


time: 03:30

I_cooler = 176 mA
ESR particles:  3.6E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 04:00:19 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 02:24 , run file: run0267.lmd  (0266.lmd is garbage file)
file running: 0267.lmd


time: 04:00

I_cooler = 176 mA
ESR particles:  3.0E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 04:15:29 2020, Ragan, General, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA 1A7AE154-6A88-4AED-BA5D-748025FCD226.jpeg
In the picture below, a very nice storage of 206Pb81+ at 200 mA electron cooler current for no gas jet target can be seen in ESR. The measurement started at 02:24 and we will now finish it in 5-10 mins. We will now do two more measurements for I_cooler = 10 mA ans 20 mA.
Entry  Mon Mar 30 04:30:17 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 02:24 , run file: run0267.lmd  (0266.lmd is garbage file)
file running: 0267.lmd


time: 04:30

I_cooler = 176 mA
ESR particles:  2.5E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 06:15:13 2020, Ragan, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 06:08 , run file: run0270.lmd  (0268.lmd and 0269.lmd are garbage files)
run stop at :


time: 06:08

I_cooler = -1 mA

SIS particles before:  2.5E8        
ESR particles:  3.01E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 06:30:52 2020, Ragan, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 06:08 , run file: run0270.lmd  (0268.lmd and 0269.lmd are garbage files)
file running: 0270.lmd


time: 06:30

I_cooler = -1 mA

ESR particles:  2.6E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 06:34:47 2020, Ragan, General, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  C7A2736D-9C0A-4531-A768-85A55943EB5A.jpeg
In the ESR picture below, the decay of beam is very fast initially for few minutes and then the decay is constant. But why does it decay for first few minutes ?
Entry  Mon Mar 30 07:02:15 2020, tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 06:08 , run file: run0270.lmd  (0268.lmd and 0269.lmd are garbage files)
file running: 0270.lmd


time: 07:00

I_cooler = -01 mA

ESR particles:  2.2E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 07:34:06 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 06:08 , run file: run0270.lmd  (0268.lmd and 0269.lmd are garbage files)
file running: 0270.lmd


time: 07:30

I_cooler = -01 mA

ESR particles:  2.8E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 08:00:40 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 06:08 , run file: run0270.lmd  (0268.lmd and 0269.lmd are garbage files)
file running: 0270.lmd


time: 08:00

I_cooler = -01 mA

ESR particles:  2.6E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 08:32:05 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 06:08 , run file: run0270.lmd  (0268.lmd and 0269.lmd are garbage files)
file running: 0270.lmd


time: 08:30

I_cooler = -01 mA

ESR particles:  2.5E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 08:56:04 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 08:52 , run file: run0271.lmd 


time: 08:52

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.4E8      
ESR particles:  4.7E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 09:26:37 2020, Tino, Runs, Stopped Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Stopped Data recording for Restart of the measurement

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 08:52 , run file: run0271.lmd 


time: 09:27

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.4E8      
ESR particles:  2.5E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 09:34:02 2020, Tino, Runs, Restart of second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Stopped Data recording for Restart of the measurement

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 09:28

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  5.7E6

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 10:01:31 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 10:00

I_cooler = -01 mA
ESR particles:  2.8E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 10:32:01 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 10:31

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  2.7E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 10:57:43 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 10:57

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  2.7E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 12:12:25 2020, ruijiu, General, Instruction of NTCAP for shift person Instruction_of_NTCAP_for_shift_person.png
To start a new run with NTCap, we need to retart NTCAP. 
1. Stop labview program. 
2. Start labview program and start a new run.
Entry  Mon Mar 30 12:16:04 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 12:00

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  2.3E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 12:33:04 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 12:30

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  2.8E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:02:49 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 13:00

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  4.5E5
(Intensity rised @ around 12:52, without a new shot from SIS)

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:31:58 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 


time: 13:30

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  4.0E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:40:57 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, HV of Inner detector IMG_20200330_133909.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:41:20 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, HV of Inner detector IMG_20200330_133909.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 30 14:02:41 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  

I_cooler = 10 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u

purpose: data for the measurement of half life of 206Pb81+ due to its interaction with electron cooler and residual gas

Detector position (CsISiPHOS): 60 mm
Detector position (MWPC):     -10 mm

run start at 09:28 , run file: run0272.lmd 
run stop at  14Ö23 , run file: run0272.lmd


time: 14:00

I_cooler = -01 mA

SIS particles: 3.1E8      
ESR particles:  4.2E5

NTCAp file:
(saved in drive: p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 14:24:46 2020, ruijiu, DAQ, stop taking data. 
1. stop run0272.lmd.
2. stop NTCAP. 
  NTCAp file:
  (saved in drive: p)
Entry  Mon Mar 30 14:48:02 2020, ruijiu and Tino, Detectors, The leakcurrent of SiPad is over the setting limit. Screenshot_20200330-145551.jpgScreenshot_20200330-145544.jpgIMG_20200330_144915.jpg
Because the 
leakcurrent of 
6 Sipads is 
over the 
setting limit, 
the alarm of 
HV module is 
increase the 
limit to 1500 
Entry  Mon Mar 30 15:03:58 2020, ruijiu Tino, Yuri, Lasoro, Nik and Uli, Detectors, the gas bottle is empty. IMG_20200330_152735_mh1585575780057.jpg
The gas bottle was empty. Tino replaced 
the previous old bottle with 50 bar gas left. 

Yuri is getting new gas bottles.

Yuri got a new gas bottle. We repalced 
the the new gas bottle. There is 200 
bar gas left now. 
The old gas bottle with 50 bar gas 
left was kept inside ESR.
The empty gas bottle was removed from 

The outlet volve was decreased by 30 degree.
Since the value is almost 0, we can not read the value of outlet volve.
Entry  Mon Mar 30 16:25:05 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, turn down the HV 
turn down the hv and pull out the detector.  

suggest by 
Hi everybody,

is there now much more rate on  the detectors?

Perhaps it helps to turn down the bias for a while and to take the detectors out of the beam, by pulling the pocket out?

And then see if the leakage current comes down again.
good luck, Thomas

Dr. Thomas Faestermann  |  Tel:  +49-89-2723868
Physik Department E12   |
Techn. Univ. Muenchen   |  Mob:  +49-1626193388
Entry  Mon Mar 30 16:37:53 2020, ruijiu, Analysis,  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 20:51:06 2020, Ragan, Detectors, Bias Voltage for Si-pads Si_pad_bias-voltage.ods
The limit of the leakage current for all Si pads was increased from 1500 nA to 5000nA and 
leakage current was recorded for different Bias Voltages (32V, 35V, 40V, 45V, 50V, 55V 
and 60V).
Since, I_leakage remains < 3 uA for 60 V, it is decided to increase the Bias Voltage for 
all the Si-pads from 32 V to 60 V.
For DSSD and CsI, bias voltages remains same (-50V and -160V respectively).
Entry  Mon Mar 30 23:30:35 2020, Jan, Analysis, run251 - Si-pad performance & status 7x
Attached are plots for Si-pad 2 with hits from ionization of 206Pb81+ at the target.
The plots are representative for all Si-pads, the pattern is always the same!

y-axis: E n-side
x-axis: E p-side strip
condition: E_gate on peak in CsI

While strips 1, 2 and 7 look fine, strips 3 and 6 show already signs of degradation. 
For strips 4 and 5, it is clearly visible that something is wrong.
Those are the central strips, which probably see the most rate.

The same dataset was analyzed here: https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E121/62

This might be a hint to a radiation damage or to the fact that we operate at too low bias voltage (32 Volt).
Maybe it recovers if we increase bias to 60 Volt.
Entry  Tue Mar 31 00:47:18 2020, Yuri, Runs, S2 slits 0/+35 mm, target bump +13 mm 
Run start: 0276.lmd
Entry  Tue Mar 31 15:30:43 2020, ruijiu, Analysis, The beam position on DSSD with different conditions on on the dEE spectrum 6x
I analyzed the first measurement with 206Pb81+ beam, run 250-267. 
Entry  Tue Mar 31 20:32:05 2020, Ragan, General, 203Tl80+ 200Hg79+ 205Tl81+ 85AD7203-736C-4531-BA80-D045CC690BED.jpeg
Below in the schottky spectrum, on left is 203Tl80+ contamination, in middel is 200Hg79+ contamination and on right most is 205Tl81+.
These contaminations cannot be seen on CsISiPHOS but can only be seen on schottky.
The goal now is to get rid of these contaminations by putting slits.
Entry  Tue Mar 31 20:50:05 2020, Ragan, General, 200Hg79+ 205Tl81+ 31E7D028-F469-4BFF-B683-203821C174E9.jpeg
203Tl80+ impurity is removed by moving scrapper inside ESR.
Only 220Hg79+ is left now
Entry  Tue Mar 31 21:07:05 2020, Ragan, General, Separation of 203Tl80+ and 200Hg79+ using scrapper in ESR 06B012F5-5435-41D7-AD82-4A5FDADF281E.MOV
It can be seen in the video how 203Tl80+ (on extreme left) and then 200Hg79+ (in middle originally) is separted from 205Tl81+ by using scrapper in ESR.
Now, we want 205Pb81+ mixed with 205Tl81+ to be separated as much as possible in FRS.
Entry  Tue Mar 31 23:31:41 2020, Shahab, Runs, alpha_p calibration ap_calibration.jpg
Vc = 212849.9349
Ic = 0.2


f= 245.314
Veff= 219218.2989884789
&#946;= 0.7143483279777152 
&#947;= 1.4289995125817443  


Veff= 219618.31558866
&#946;= 0.7147234572628363 
&#947;= 1.4297823255462372  


Veff= 218818.2823347592
&#946;= 0.7139723840585469 
&#947;= 1.4282166995124788  

Taking 1) and 2):

&#951; : 0.33044950273377705 

&#945;p1: 0.15925696358166558 
&#945;p2: 0.1587208769044816 

Taking 1) and 3):

&#951; : 0.34166460537796267 

&#945;p1: 0.14804186093747995 
&#945;p2: 0.14857882942379202 

Taking 2) and 3):

&#951; : 0.33653854822327256 

&#945;p1: 0.1526318314149861 
&#945;p2: 0.15370488657848214  

&#945;p average: 0.1534892081401479
Entry  Wed Apr 1 01:02:24 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, the detector cable is disconnected. 
Entry  Wed Apr 1 01:05:36 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, detector position fixed at 60 mm VID_20200401_010416.mp4
The detector cable was disconnected . We entered and reconnected the cable.
Entry  Thu Apr 2 02:36:48 2020, Ragan, General, Stochastic cooling and orbit problem 
On 1 April by 5 pm, we could stop the stochastic cooling after the stacking process and also change the orbit of the Tl beam to centre. 
Thanks to the efforts by the ESR team !
Entry  Thu Apr 2 02:38:32 2020, Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, Esther, Oliver, Runs, First measurement with zero storage time 
beam: 205Tl81+ (with no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: zero

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at 01:48 , first file: run0287.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xxx.lmd


time: 1:48

I_cooler =  mA

ESR particles after stacking:     
Number of stackings: 20
Target ON density:   4.3e12
Target on time: 01:54:34
Target off time: 02:04:34
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by local mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : o)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Thu Apr 2 02:46:57 2020, Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, Esther, Oliver, Runs, Measurement with 2 hrs storage time E682FBC9-1374-4582-8202-C8AA5DC8E6D5.jpeg

beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 2 hrs
(In the picture below, it can be seen that the beam cooled. On right most is the Tl beam and rest are the contaminants.)

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at 01:48 , first file: run0287.lmd
file running:    0287.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 02:08
time when storage starts: 02:21
time when storage ends: 04:21
I_cooler during storage time: 10 mA

I_cooler =  mA

ESR particles after stacking:     
Number of stackings: 20
Target ON density:   3.9e12
Target on time: 04:22:40
Target off time: 04:32:40
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by local mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : o)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time 
Entry  Thu Apr 2 05:00:44 2020, Ragan, Esther, Oliver, Runs, Second measurement with 2 hrs storage time 734CA93E-95FD-4C6E-8E90-8DCD961E4352.jpeg
Electron cooler was off here. Thus, this measurement is not what we needed.
(in the picture below, it can be seen that the beam is not cooled)

beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 2 hrs

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at 01:48 , first file: run0287.lmd
file running:    0287.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 04:45
time when storage starts: 04:55
time when storage ends: 06:55
I_cooler during storage time: 10 mA

I_cooler =  mA

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: ~e5  
Number of stackings: 20
Target ON density:   4e12
Target on time: 06:56:30
Target off time: 07:06:30
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by local mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : o)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Thu Apr 2 06:25:13 2020, Ragan, Runs, Template 
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: ___ hrs

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at ___ , first file: run____.lmd
file running:    ____.lmd


time when accumulation starts: __:__
time when storage starts:  __:__
time when storage ends:  __:__
I_cooler during storage time: __ mA

I_cooler =  __ mA

I_SIS: ___      
ESR particles after stacking: ___ 
Number of stackings: __
Target ON density:   _____
Target on time: __:__
Target off time: __:__
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by local mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : __)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Thu Apr 2 07:01:32 2020, Ragan, Esther, Oliver, Runs, Measurement with 4 hrs storage time 
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 4 hrs

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at 01:48 , first file: run0287.lmd
file running:    0287.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 04:45
time when storage starts: 04:55
time when storage ends: 06:55
I_cooler during storage time: 10 mA

I_cooler =  mA

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: ~e5  
Number of stackings: 20
Target ON density:   4e12
Target on time: 06:56:30
Target off time: 07:06:30
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by local mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : o)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Thu Apr 2 09:21:19 2020, Ruijiu, Runs, 2nd measurement with 2 hrs storage time (repeat) IMG_20200402_092631.jpg
Because the electron cooler was not switched on during beam accumulation in the previous measurement, we repeat this measurement again.
(In the picture below, it can be seen that the beam cooled. On right most is the Tl beam and rest are the contaminants.)

beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 2 hrs

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):       mm

run start at 08:46 , first file: run290.lmd
file running:   run290.lmd

time when accumulation starts: 09:06
time when storage starts:  09:16
time when storage ends:  10:59
I_cooler during storage time: 10 mA

I_cooler =  __ mA

I_SIS: 1.7e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 1e6
Number of stacking: 20
Target ON density:   3.9e12 atoms/cm2
Target on time:  11:00
Target off time: 11:10
Target on time for measurement: 10 
mins (by local mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the 
line) for every storage time 
Entry  Thu Apr 2 12:52:25 2020, ruijiu, General, setup FRS with 2 g/cm2 degrader. 
Yuri sets up FRS with 2 g/cm2 degrader (previous one is 1 g/cm2). The ESR is not changed. The contamination should be less now.
Entry  Thu Apr 2 15:24:15 2020, Ragan, General, How to know whether electron cooling is working IMG_8238.JPGIMG_8239.JPG
For Alle and Kuehler the bottom left status should look like as shown in pictures below.
Entry  Thu Apr 2 21:03:40 2020, Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, Nikos, Runs, Zero hour measurement (S2:-10/35 mm) 
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping, Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: zero hrs
S2:-10/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:05 , first file: run0292.lmd (File was started when stacking was ongoing. Maybe not all the stackings could be sen in the analysis.)
file running: 0292.lmd


time when accumulation starts: --
time when storage starts: 19:10
time when storage ends: 19:10
I_cooler during storage time: --

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 2.2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 3.5e6   (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: ~40 (can be checked on NTCap data)
Target ON density: 3.45e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Thu Apr 2 21:10:57 2020, Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, Nikos, Runs, One hour measurement (S2:-10/35 mm) 
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping, Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 1 hrs
S2:-10/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:05 , first file: run0292.lmd 
file running: 0293.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 19:23
time when storage starts: 19:36
time when storage ends: 20:36
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 2.2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.6e6   (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.44e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)       

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Thu Apr 2 21:12:39 2020, Ragan, Nikos, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Three hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) 46CBD7E3-0AF1-447C-847E-31BA5224684D.jpeg7A404038-88E9-4CAF-91E3-A26A0F8A51EF.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 3 hrs
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:05 , first file: run0292.lmd 
file running: 0295.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 20:37
time when storage starts: 20:51
time when storage ends: 23:51
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2e6 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.48e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 00:39:07 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Half hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) CC419497-E2AA-4C71-92AD-7F282775FFC2.jpegAB10D6CB-87FC-4D9E-9AF0-AA9279D62066.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:05 , first file: run0292.lmd 
file running: 0295.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 12:08
time when storage starts: 12:25
time when storage ends: 12:55
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 8.2e5 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 9
Target ON density: 3.45e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 01:22:13 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, One hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) 8E469F1D-992F-4E96-A30A-022B0D1A0E5A.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 1 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:05 , first file: run0292.lmd 
file running: 0295.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 01:09
time when storage starts: 01:20
time when storage ends: 02:20
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  174 mA

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.5e6 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.48e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 03:18:06 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Zero hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) 3C7167D2-5B67-4A2A-BB16-76DE5DCE6D7F.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:05 , first file: run0292.lmd 
file running: 0298.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 02:36
time when storage starts: 02:47
time when storage ends: 02:47
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  175 mA

I_SIS: 2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.7e6 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.49e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 03:19:46 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Half hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) FD4F77A6-57C8-40EE-A5D6-B8E84D87C0EF.jpegD9AB6DAC-8CB1-4AA6-8D65-EF0BEB1BC913.jpeg7ECADF49-BD0A-4AB0-82E3-8825C08C81E3.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:05 , first file: run0292.lmd 
file running: 0298.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 03:00
time when storage starts: 03:12
time when storage ends: 03:42
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  175 mA

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.4e6 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.5e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 :  3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 03:59:14 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Two hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) 2B409195-AF78-46AA-9B5B-F0990B564238.jpegED3309B6-82E5-4484-A787-ADF94FD55814.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 2 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 04:13,  run0300.lmd 
file running: 0300.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 04:21
time when storage starts: 04:32
time when storage ends: 06:32
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  179 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.1e6 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.66e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 7 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 04:36:21 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, General, Electron cooler problem which was then solved 
04:09 Electron cooler had some problem when we were stacking for 2 hours measurement.
04:20 GECEBG2T and GECEBG5T were Reset and then Switched on. Electron cooler started working again
Entry  Fri Apr 3 06:35:37 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Mei, Shahab, Runs, Half hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) A04655E8-EF30-4ECB-A6F4-2B98982502FA.jpegAE7CF1AD-0E03-45AA-8234-D36D34E85252.jpeg95BAD6CD-5C2E-4B93-8CE5-0F7F6E62B4FA.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 04:13,  run0300.lmd 
file running: 0301.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 06:50
time when storage starts: 07:01
time when storage ends: 11:01
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  179 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.1e6 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.66e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 8 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 10:06:15 2020, Shahab, Runs, Plots from Scopes magnets.pngkicker.png
Just two plots from the scopes for documentation:


yellow: dipole
green and blue: quadrupoles
red: ESR current


blue: SIS kicker
yellow: ESR kicker

green: SIS current
red: ESR current

trigger: SIS Kicker
Entry  Fri Apr 3 11:52:27 2020, Shahab, Runs, Stacking 54 times! 2020-04-03_11-48-11-781.png
Entry  Fri Apr 3 11:59:50 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Four hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) 708F0673-2D65-4EFA-902F-7067FA5885B4.jpeg8D6B87F7-B622-41B6-8CBC-E6404443987F.jpeg2D175AD1-813B-4C6B-93E0-43B90EFE2584.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 4 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 04:13,  run0300.lmd 
file running: 0301.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 06:50
time when storage starts: 07:01
time when storage ends: 11:01
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  179 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.3e6 (offset 1e5)
Number of stackings: 30
Target ON density: 3.3e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 12:02:32 2020, Ragan, Mei, Shahab, Runs, Half hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) 44FE81B4-D167-4B4D-9E6E-D0C54CD79F23.jpeg6FFE01F8-FC91-4A7A-A8E0-52BFC068DD27.jpeg19EBC2DF-C029-4655-A697-7CD69C6E4ADF.jpeg68740E5C-468F-476A-9D81-FC3D4995D61E.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 11:17,  run0303.lmd 
file running: 0303.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 11:19
time when storage starts: 11:46
time when storage ends: 12:16
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 3.2e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 54   (was set for 60 but we missed a few)
Target ON density: 3.66e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 23 mins (as Shahab wanted to record data with 400 MHz schottky)
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 13:21:16 2020, Ragan, Mei, Shahab, Runs, Zero hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) 8560F317-7B65-476E-84EF-CFFB9C021878.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 11:17,  run0303.lmd 
file running: 0304.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 12:58
time when storage starts: 13:16
time when storage ends: 13:16
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  176 mA

I_SIS: 2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.4e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 38   (was set for 60 but we missed a few)
Target ON density: 3.54e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 2 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 13:39:58 2020, Ragan, Mei, Shahab, Laszlo, Runs, Eight hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm) A9A3E9A0-85E9-4A47-93FA-5D722730FCFC.jpegB24C41F3-BD4D-4400-9A30-B9CEF7928BBE.jpeg7B276C07-1E38-4858-924E-DFEC12F10578.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 8 hr
S2: 0/35 mm

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 11:17,  run0303.lmd 
file running: 0306.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 13:32
time when storage starts: 13:51
time when storage ends: 21:51
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  179 mA

I_SIS: 2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 3e6 (offset 0)
Number of stackings: 50   
Target ON density: 3.95e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

at 18:30 (start was at 13:51) the stored particles: I_ESR = 1.7e6
at 19:00 the stored particles: I_ESR = 1.6e6
at 19:30 the stored particles: I_ESR = 1.48e6
at 20:00 the stored particles: I_ESR = 1.5e6
at 20:30 the stored particles: I_ESR = 1.4e6
at 21:00 the stored particles: I_ESR = 1.34e6
at 21:30 the stored particles: I_ESR = 1.34e6

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : p)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Fri Apr 3 14:08:41 2020, Shahab, Runs, Stacking 2020-04-03_14-07-13-250.png
Entry  Fri Apr 3 17:55:13 2020, Shahab, Runs, Nice picture from 205-Tl Tl-daughter_spurs.PNG
In this high contrast Schottky recording, the main three frequency peaks are resolved w.r.t. time from left to right:

203 Hg 80 +, 200 Hg 79+ and 205 Tl 81+

There are also some spurs visible, whose nature is not 100% sure. One possible explanation can be:

Since this is taken during the storage time (gas target still off), we have no separation between parent and daughter ions, the daughter 205 Pb 81+ basically has the same revolution frequency as parent. It is a possibility that after the decay, daughter ions are slowly cooled back to the nominal frequency. Daughter ions are highly charged and have a high velocity, so single ion sensitivity is expected. They come from all directions, but Schottky measures only the longitudinal plane. Symmetric spurs can hence be an indication of this.
Entry  Sat Apr 4 00:00:20 2020, Ragan, Laszlo, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Zero hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 0453DD6F-453B-4751-96A3-D9D1CD808CD5.jpeg99B7B973-C12E-4621-BD2B-DDF1D6753DF2.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 22:11,  run0308.lmd 
file running: 0309.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 23:29
time when storage starts: 23:53
time when storage ends: 23:53
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  176 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.9e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: ~53   
Target ON density: 4e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 2 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 00:11:23 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Half hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 55E962C4-6891-44E5-937B-5D11AC0FEFCD.jpeg9F371840-1E58-45D2-9EF9-273D72C28626.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 22:11,  run0308.lmd 
file running: 0310.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 23:53
time when storage starts: 00:23
time when storage ends: 00:53
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 1.5e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.1e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 60  
Target ON density: 4.03e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 00:40:29 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Runs, Zero hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) D6F92CFB-C5D3-4A7E-BEEC-4DB50BDA1CB5.jpeg8DC5D5E0-C8B0-4614-A826-1692982FB75F.jpeg67EEB2B9-5D29-45A3-BB4E-D9E466F0716E.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 22:11,  run0308.lmd 
file running: 0311.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 02:15
time when storage starts: 02:39
time when storage ends: 02:39
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  178 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 1.5e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 60  
Target ON density: 4e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 2 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 03:06:12 2020, Ragan, General, Instructions if electron cooler goes off during long storage time measurements electron_cooler.pdf
Please read the attachment.
Entry  Sat Apr 4 03:27:48 2020, Ragan, Pierre-Michel, Dima, Shahab, Runs, Six hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 06F75D44-5DC0-4EF5-A574-C79E559EA8E0.jpegE0E0700F-4164-44C8-86D8-8F782D4A81E6.jpeg689A47E2-D32B-4721-A6F8-F4FC53BB513E.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 6 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 22:11,  run0308.lmd 
file running: 0312.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 02:52
time when storage starts: 03:22
time when storage ends: 09:22
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 1.91e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 80  
Target ON density: 4.23e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 8 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_ESR (04:00) :  1,76e6
I_ESR (04:30) :  1,62e6
I_ESR (05:00) :  1,56e6
I_ESR (05:30) :  1,42e6
I_ESR (06:00) :  1,33e6
I_ESR (06:30) :  1,27e6
I_ESR (07:00) :  1,20e6
I_ESR (07:30) :  1.12e6
I_ESR (08:00) :  -
I_ESR (08:30) :  -
I_ESR (09:00) :  9.8e5

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 10:32:16 2020, Ragan, Shahab, Runs, Five hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-04_10-46-44-779.png245A948B-69B3-47C0-9F15-0EB6E27FACF0.jpegC49C19FE-7274-46AB-87BA-6C10292DC620.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 22:11,  run0308.lmd 
file running: 0313.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 09:47
time when storage starts: 10:19
time when storage ends: 15:19
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: ~70 (was set to 80 but we missed few shots)  
Target ON density: 3.91e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_ESR (10:30) :  1.95e6
I_ESR (11:00) :  -
I_ESR (11:37) :  1.7e6
I_ESR (12:00) :  -
I_ESR (12:30) :  -
I_ESR (13:00) :  -
I_ESR (13:37) :  1.37e6
I_ESR (14:07) :  1.28e6
I_ESR (14:30) :  -
I_ESR (15:00) :  1.20e6

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 13:41:04 2020, Shahab, Runs, cooler down 
cooler is down. only one device is off GECEBG2T. updated now it is working.
Entry  Sat Apr 4 15:59:16 2020, Ragan, Shahab, Alex, Esther, Runs, 0.5 hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-04_16-04-30-807.png636A1F49-737F-4147-8CF0-CA7F4108B719.jpeg2020-04-04_16-49-50-990.png7B45A7EA-0421-497B-8A37-674B6792D7E9.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 22:11,  run0308.lmd 
file running: 0324.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 15:35
time when storage starts: 16:05
time when storage ends: 16:35
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 1.25e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 1.8e6 (offset 3.6e5)
Number of stackings: ~80  
Target ON density: 4.08e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet)  

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 17:32:01 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, General, No beam in ESR 
The beam is coming from SIS but doesn't arrive in ESR because the quadrupole magnets in ESR have failed.

Update (18:01): Problem has been resolved. 
Entry  Sat Apr 4 18:29:44 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, Runs, 0 hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-04_18-27-53-442.png2020-04-04_18-41-54-901.pngF5D184AC-FB3E-4F9F-B839-F71BC55C0996.jpegE4176CCB-1828-4E2E-85FB-0AC4BDC2808B.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 22:11,  run0308.lmd 
file running: 0339.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 17:56
time when storage starts: 18:28
time when storage ends: 18:28
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 1.4e6 (offset 3.5e5)
Number of stackings: ~65 (was set to 80 but stacking broke down after ~65)  
Target ON density: 4.05e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 2 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet)  

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 18:57:49 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, General, Timing problem with SIS & ESR and problems with stacking 
There are further problems with beam stacking in ESR. It works occasionally but keeps failing.
There is also timing problem between SIS and FRS.
Entry  Sat Apr 4 19:55:37 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, Runs, Failed measurement...Ten hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-04_19-54-47-760.png2020-04-04_20-02-26-363.png
FAILED - measurement was stopped by sudden loss of the beam 

beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 10 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:02,  run0343.lmd 
file running: 0347.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 19:17
time when storage starts: 19:55
time when storage ends: 05:55
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  177 mA

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.5e6 (offset 3e5)
Number of stackings: 100  
Target ON density: xxe12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_ESR (20:30) :  2.25e6
I_ESR (21:00) :  2.1e6
I_ESR (21:30) :  2.0e6
I_ESR (22:00) :  1.8e6

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sat Apr 4 22:31:02 2020, Alex, Esther, General, Beam in ESR lost 2020-04-04_22-50-23-470.png
The beam in ESR was lost suddenly at ~22:20 due to a power supply failure of the quadrupoles.

Update (~20:40): Failure was resolved and new stacking started.
Entry  Sat Apr 4 23:44:22 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Laszlo, Runs, Ten hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-04_23-43-29-909.png2020-04-05_09-41-00-904_10.png6275225E-0E05-42AF-9F64-F666263D89B8.jpegA12CCF1C-16DC-4869-A54C-ED812E921E3C.jpegC075E863-D102-41EE-A8CF-62220D949F4A.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 10 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:02,  run0343.lmd 
file running: 0366.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 22:43
time when storage starts: 23:23
time when storage ends: 09:23
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler =  mA

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.2e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 100  
Target ON density: 4.24e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 6 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_ESR (00:06) :  1,98e6
I_ESR (00:30) :  1.95e6
I_ESR (01:00) :  1.8e6
I_ESR (01:30) :  1.65e6
I_ESR (02:00) :  1.55e6
I_ESR (02:30) :  1.45e6
I_ESR (03:00) :  1.36e6
I_ESR (03:30) :  1.3e6
I_ESR (04:00) :  1.18e6
I_ESR (04:41) :  1.15e6
I_ESR (05:00) :  1.07e6
I_ESR (05:30) :  1e6
I_ESR (06:00) :  9.5e5
I_ESR (06:30) :  9.1e5
I_ESR (07:00) :  8.5e5
I_ESR (07:30) :  -
I_ESR (08:00) :  -
I_ESR (08:37) :  7e5
I_ESR (09:00) :  7.06e5

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sun Apr 5 10:21:54 2020, Shahab, Runs, 10 hour measurement pictures 2020-04-05-10h-aftergasjet2.PNG2020-04-05-10h-aftergasjet.PNG205Tl_gasjet_view3.PNG
Schottky pictures from the 10 hour measurement gas target, including the time before gas target.
Entry  Sun Apr 5 10:31:08 2020, Ragan, Shahab, Runs, Two hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-05_10-30-25-440.png2020-04-05_10-51-22-398.png2020-04-05_12-44-55-857.png93A21749-0099-4D69-8D40-32D8EC02342C.jpegFC9B44C4-D9C7-48B0-98DA-132A6CEF3596.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time:  hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:02,  run0343.lmd 
file running: 0466.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 09:52
time when storage starts: 10:30
time when storage ends: 12:30
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler = -1 mA  (20 mA)

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.2e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 100  
Target ON density: 4.16e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_ESR (11:30) :  1.8e6
I_ESR (12:00) :  
I_ESR (12:10) :  1.7e6
I_ESR (12:30) :  1.62e6

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sun Apr 5 12:48:58 2020, Shahab, Runs, 2hour measurement parent pictures 6x
Entry  Sun Apr 5 13:05:43 2020, Ragan, Shahab, Runs, Zero measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-05_13-04-08-686.png22A1BDA0-CAC3-4CB3-951E-F99ACD9CAED6.jpeg2020-04-05_13-58-21-916.pngCC28F701-F809-4100-982D-25E67770CAA7.jpeg
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:02,  run0343.lmd 
file running: 0511.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 12:59
storage time at Manipulation 9 starts at: 13:
storage time at Manipulation 9 stops at:  14:  
I cooler during storage at Manipulation 9: -1 mA (20 mA)
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_cooler = -1 mA  (20 mA)

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 100  
Target ON density at SC 7 E 07: 4.11e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode) 
Target ON density at SC 12 E 12: 4.11e12
Target on time for measurement: 5 sec (by event mode)

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement
Entry  Sun Apr 5 15:28:35 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, Runs, Four hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 7x
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 4 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 19:02,  run0343.lmd 
file running: 0539.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 15:27
time when storage starts: 16:05
time when storage ends: 20:05
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler = -1 mA  (20 mA)

I_SIS: 2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings: 100  
Target ON density: 3.92e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_ESR (16:30) :  1.9e6
I_ESR (17:00) :  1.75e6
I_ESR (17:30) :  1.6e6
I_ESR (18:00) :  1.55e6
I_ESR (18:30) :  1.45e6
I_ESR (19:00) :  1.3e6
I_ESR (19:30) :  1.25e6
I_ESR (20:00) :  1.2e6

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Sun Apr 5 20:23:02 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, Runs, Half-hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 7x
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 20:21,  run0540.lmd 
file running: 0540.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 20:21
time when storage starts: 20:59
time when storage ends: 21:29
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler = 179 mA  (20 mA)

I_SIS: 2e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.2e6 (offset 2.5e5)
Number of stackings: 100  
Target ON density: 4.14e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 5 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Sun Apr 5 21:50:02 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, Runs, Half-hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 7x
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 20:21,  run0540.lmd 
file running: 0546.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 21:43
time when storage starts: 22:21
time when storage ends: 22:51
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA

I_cooler = 179 mA  (20 mA)

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.2e6 (offset 3e5)
Number of stackings:  ~90 (was set to 100 but ~10 were missed) 
Target ON density: 4.2e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Sun Apr 5 23:28:01 2020, Ragan, Alex, Esther, Runs, One-hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 7x
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 1 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 20:21,  run0540.lmd 
file running: 0549.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 23:04
time when storage starts: 23:42
time when storage ends: 00:42
I_cooler during storage time: -2 mA (20 mA)

I_cooler = 180 mA  

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.2e6 (offset 3e5)
Number of stackings:  100
Target ON density: 4.24e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Mon Apr 6 01:02:00 2020, Ragan, Laszlo, Nikos, Runs, Three hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 9x
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 3 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 20:21,  run0540.lmd 
file running: 0555.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 00:57
time when storage starts: 01:35
time when storage ends: 04:35
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA (20 mA)

I_cooler = 179 mA  

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.4e6 (offset 3e5)
Number of stackings:  100 
Target ON density: 4.3e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 :  5mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

2:00 I_ESR = 2.25e6
2:30 I_ESR = 2.04e6
3:00 I_ESR = 1.96e6
3:30 I_ESR = 1.87e6
4:00 I_ESR = 1.74e6
4:30 I_ESR = 1.56e6

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Mon Apr 6 05:28:55 2020, Ragan, Laszlo, Nikos, Runs, Zero hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 46C168E2-D1D5-4CD3-B87F-7F82D045D527.jpegC55A1803-E814-412F-B3DC-40FE24946F8A.MOV75662B09-68EE-49FD-9BB2-71766305ECF8.jpeg1C0040AA-3CE4-4019-B85E-0049EBE85384.jpeg2020-04-06_05-40-47-352.png
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 0 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 20:21,  run0540.lmd 
file running: 0555.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 04:51
time when storage starts: 05:28
time when storage ends: 05:28
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA (20 mA)

I_cooler = 179 mA  

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.2e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings:  100 
Target ON density: 4.45e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 :  2mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Mon Apr 6 05:43:50 2020, Ragan, Laszlo, Nikos, Runs, One and a half hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 2020-04-06_06-18-59-809.png946073FA-3077-4CBF-900B-565BD19CF040.jpeg10FEB6AE-653B-4803-9927-EEB5BF33D3ED.jpeg2020-04-06_08-03-40-493.png
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 1.5 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 20:21,  run0540.lmd 
file running: 0558.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 05:41
time when storage starts: 06:19
time when storage ends: 07:49
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA (20 mA)

I_cooler = 179 mA  

I_SIS: 1.75e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 2.3e6 (offset 5e5)
Number of stackings:  100 
Target ON density: 4.36e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 3 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Mon Apr 6 08:37:02 2020, Ragan, Shahab, Pierre-Michel, Runs, 10 hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm) 8x
beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 10 hr
S2: 0/35 mm
s6: -20/7

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (CsISiPHOS):  out of the ring
Detector position (MWPC):  -60 mm

run start at 20:21,  run0540.lmd 
file running: 0558.lmd


time when accumulation starts: 08:21
time when storage starts: 09:27
time when storage ends: 19:27
I_cooler during storage time: -1 mA (20 mA)

I_cooler = 180 mA  

I_SIS: 1.8e9      
ESR particles after stacking: 3.1e6 (offset 4e5)
Number of stackings:  200 
Target ON density: 4.15e12 
Target on time for measurement: 10 mins (by event mode)      
time spend at manipulation 13 : 10 mins
(i.e. time for which electron cooler is on after gas jet) 

I_ESR (10:34): 2.78e6
I_ESR (11:07): 2.53e6
I_ESR (12:07): 2.2e6
I_ESR (13:43): 1.7e6
I_ESR (14:00): 1.6E6
I_ESR (14:43): 1.5e6
I_ESR (15:24): 1.43e6
I_ESR (16:19): 1.3e6
I_ESR (17:03): I.IIIeVI
I_ESR (18:20): 1.15e6 (frozen screen) 
I_ESR (18:50): 9.5e5
I_ESR (19:27): 8.5e5

NTCAp file:
IQ rate: 8 MS/s
(saved in drive : O)

copy and repeat the above (below the line) for every storage time measurement/
Entry  Mon Apr 6 09:34:58 2020, Shahab, Runs, Pictures from one and a half hour measurement wideband_rec_001.PNG
Entry  Mon Apr 6 14:17:54 2020, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, FRS valves 2020-04-06_14-22-20-965.png
We saw reduction in ESR beam life. It turned out that FRS has opened valves and venting caused us reduction of the quality of vacuum in ESR leading to beam loss. We manged to closed GEE5VV so that now beam is stable somehow.

how could you guys!!!!

Entry  Mon Apr 6 14:57:04 2020, Shahab, Runs, cooler down 
cooler component GECEBG2T again had to be reset.
Entry  Mon Apr 6 20:03:50 2020, Ragan, General, Experiment finished )) 
E121 experiment is finished with the last 10 hours measurement at 19:47 ))
Many thanks to everyone for there significant contributions ))
Entry  Thu Apr 9 11:16:35 2020, Ragan, General, Measurements done in the experiment storage11.pdfstorage12.pdfstorage13.pdf
Entry  Thu Apr 9 11:47:28 2020, ruijiu, , backup data IMG_20200409_113155.jpg
2020.4.8  12:00Started copying 
2020.4.9    11:52 Copied 6.3TB 
data. The copy speed is 65-67MB/s.
2020.4.15 Bring the two USB hard disk to my office and connect them  to lxg1298 computer.
Send email 
Entry  Fri Apr 17 18:27:34 2020, ruijiu, Analysis, backup data IMG_20200417_162202.jpg
1.connect USB harddisk  to computer lxg1254 and  copy data to sever.

sync -rtmv --progress --checkSUD  /media/sdgl/data/ litv-exp@sbk0l9:/lustre/ap/litv-exp/2020-
04-14 e121_rchen/NTCAP/hd1

2020.05.02 08:06 copied 11.88 TB to server. 1.8TB rest on hard disk.
Entry  Mon Apr 20 11:17:18 2020, Ragan, General, Logbook logbook.pdfcombined_FRS.pdfcombined_data.pdf
Entry  Wed Aug 5 17:19:16 2020, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Data structure DataStructure.pdf
Entry  Thu Oct 1 22:20:03 2020, Jan, DAQ, final unpacker config E121.specdet_mapping.hh
We identified an issue with randomly missing adc channels in all lmd-files before run 0273.
This led to errors in the unpacking process. 

This issue is solved with the new config and mapping for the unpacker. 
The respective files are attached here. 
The unpacker is ready to use in /u/litv-exp/unpacker/unpackexps/E121

The adc issue is also understood. We deactivated the internal adc thresholds during the experiment, because we encountered the very same unpacker errors. This solved the problem for all later runs, but we forgot to think about a solution for the earlier runs. 
Mea culpa.

Entry  Mon Nov 2 16:45:55 2020, Jan, DAQ, f_user & mbslog f_user.cmbslog.l
Attached is the f_user.c and the mbslog.l files.
The readout function is for the following setup:
3x ADC CAEN V785 
1x SCA CAEN V830
1x TDC CAEN V1190
1x Vulom TRB5 (triggerbox)
1x Vulom4b PEV (priority encoder)
1x RIO4 R4L-47
Entry  Thu Nov 5 15:13:43 2020, Jan, Analysis, root script example e121_analysis.Ce121_mapped.he121_raw.h
Attached is an example root script/macro that shows how to use scripts for analysis.

1. change INPUT and OUTPUT preprocessor variables in e121_analysis.c pointing to your desired input and output root-files.
2. open root and type:
  root [1] .L e121_analysis.C++
  root [2] run()
3. check plots popping up and output files

in e121_analysis.C use
#include "e121_raw.h"
for the original channel names/mapping (e.g. ADC1_1,...)
and use
#include "e121_mapped.h"
for named channels (e.g. e_csi[0] or e_dssd_top)
Entry  Thu Nov 19 09:14:40 2020, Jan, Detectors, remote MSCF settings for CsISiPHOS setting.1585477986det_mapping.png
Attached is a list of all set values for the 5 MSCF shaper modules.
This was done prior to run0251, which served as a final benchmark for those settings.
See: https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E121/62
And https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E121/104

The det. to MSCF assignment is the following:
MSCF 1: Si-pad 1 + 2 p-side/strips (ch. 1-7 + ch. 9-15)
MSCF 2: Si-pad 3 + 4 p-side/strips (ch. 1-7 + ch. 9-15)
MSCF 3: Si-pad 5     p-side/strips (ch. 1-7)
MSCF 4: Si-pad 6     p-side/strips (ch. 1-7)
MSCF 5: DSSD (ch. 1 - 4); CsI (ch. 7 & 8); Si-pad n-sides (ch. 11 - 16)

Note that only the pre-amplification stage of the MSI-8 amplifiers were used for all channels.
Entry  Tue Dec 8 15:47:07 2020, Jan, Detectors, manual preamp & shaper settings for CsISiPhos amp_settings.pdf
attached is a document showing fotos of all involved amplifiers in the chain to document the manual settings active during the experiment.

Si-pad n-sides [MSI-8 (1)] were set to 5 GeV      (expected E-deposition ~2 GeV)
Si-pad p-sides [MPR-32 (1 & 2)] were set to 1 GeV (expected E-deposition ~2 GeV)
DSSD channels  [MSI-8 (2)] were set to 5 GeV      (expected E-deposition ~1.2 GeV)
CsI channels   [MSI-8 (2)] were set to 4 GeV      (expected E-deposition  46 GeV)

It seems we got clipped signals from the Si-pad p-sides, because the MPR-32 were saturated due to a wrong gain setting. 
This might explain, why there was not real influence on the spectra when adjusting MSCF settings for those channels.
I cannot comment on the CsI gain setting, because i don't know whether the given GeV-range by MesyTec directly applies for CsI & photodiode.

However, for DSSD and Si-pad n-sides the settings look okay.
Entry  Tue Dec 15 09:25:41 2020, Jan, DAQ, SiCsIPhos signal/amplitude reconstruction amps.pdf
Entry  Mon Mar 29 16:31:09 2021, Pierre-Michel, DAQ, cross section Pb81onAr.png
(1.393*^-8 + 3.18*^-13 + 4.707*^-8)/4.707*^-8 = 1.29595
Entry  Sun May 30 12:09:00 2021, Ragan, General, NTCAP ntcap_carsten.pdf
Attached is the info given by Carsten.
The instructions to operate NTCAP are given on https://wiki.gsi.de/ESR_EXP/ManualOfNTCAP
Entry  Wed Aug 25 15:13:41 2021, Jan, DAQ, SC13 clock frequency 
The frequency of the clock used as reference in scaler channel 13 has been measured precisely.
In contrast to what was expected (1.5MHz precisely), it is: 

f_ref =  1.5625(5) MHz
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b