Fri Apr 8 14:12:57 2022, morning shift, DAQ, timing for h=1
The timing for h=1 has been set up
The time window is now twice as large as before!
Thu Apr 7 02:32:29 2022, all on shift, Runs, First Scans 322-320nm
Laser scanning from 322-320 steps 0.01nm/s
DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
Fri Apr 8 15:39:36 2022, all, Runs, first data after timing set up
started taking data again
started at 15:40
Sun Apr 3 10:35:20 2022, Yuri (Sergey), Accelerator, Dipole correction
The ramp for moving the beam to the central orbit
To be inserted into manipulation, GE01MU1 (SC 5): 1.05969755 rad
This can be done only when one stays in the manipulation 5
Sun Apr 3 10:28:25 2022, Yuri (Helmut Weick), Accelerator, Distance cooler - detector
Calculation from Helmut Weick
Distance e-cooler to particle detectors chamber:
“This is half of ESR plus distance target - detector. This even is on the web page”
Thu Apr 7 08:14:03 2022, Yuri & Danyal, General, 229Th89+ line in Schottky
GLOBAL calculations for the "content" of the Th line in the Schottky spectrum
(380 MeV/u exit energy, equilibrium charge state distribution)
Sat Apr 2 18:17:31 2022, Yuri, Accelerator, Photo-Identification
Just a photo of the ID |
Sat Apr 2 18:19:47 2022, Yuri, Accelerator, Scraping
Fri Apr 8 15:42:20 2022, Yuri, Accelerator, Slits in the TE line
At around 15:00, The slits in the TE line were changed to :
TE4DS5HL -12 mm -> -20 mm
TE5DSAH 0 mm -> +15 mm |
Fri Apr 8 15:45:24 2022, YL, , Spectrum manipulation 5
See attached |
Tue Apr 5 20:58:53 2022, Wilfried, Laser, Trigger for Laser
Electronic for the timing of the laser puls optimized. The problem with the broad photodiode histograms is solved.
The photo of the oscilloscope picture shows in magenta the pulses from the (discriminated RF)/2, in yellow the pulses that are generated to open the Q-Switch.
The latter are generated by the coincidence of the 30-Hz trigger (2 microsec long) to
Fri Apr 8 02:14:05 2022, Wilfried, Laser, Laser timings adjusted
Since we use the middle window as a reference for the laser pulse timing, the fact that the window is 2.25 m behind the target has to be taken into account.
From here the ions have 10 ns less time of flight to the middle of the electron cooler than they need for half a revolution. The signals were still symmetrically
aligned around the reference bunch as it was done yesterday. Therefore, the delay of the laser pulse was reduced by 10-ns on the oscilloscope, which led |
Fri Apr 8 14:43:50 2022, Wilfried, DAQ, laser timing - Q-switch start
below are my notes concerning laser timing / Q-switch start |
Tue Apr 12 21:56:54 2022, Volker, David, Pierre-Michel & Danyal, Alexandre, Sebastian, General, new laser wavelength scan range 321.62 - 321.10 nm
New wavelength scan range is [B]321.62 - 321.10 nm[/B]. Before the new scan range (compare old scan range in [URL=] Entry
215[/URL]) was applied,
the cooler settings were slightly modified. Current was changed from [B]50 mA to 40 mA[/B], correction voltage was changed from [B]3943 V to 3948 V[/B]. |
Wed Mar 23 16:16:42 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, Control software for XUV and copper mirror detector
Attached you find a manual for the software used to control the movement of the XUV detector and the copper mirror detector.
The software is also used to set the electrode voltages and coil currents of the XUV detector. |
Wed Mar 23 16:58:33 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, Status copper mirror and XUV detectors
Over the past days, the parabolic copper mirror and XUV detectors haven been prepared and tested for the upcoming beamtime (see first attached photo for
an overview of the detectors).
Fri Apr 8 05:46:35 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, High background rate in Cu PMT points to light leak in ESR or active pressure gauge
The background rate of the Cu mirror PMT is only about 300 cps when the mirror is in the parking position but ca. 7000 cps when in the beam position, even
if no beam is present in the ESR. This was noticed when we had an "empty injection" into the ring, causing the Cu mirror to drive into the beam position
with no ions present.
Sun Apr 10 03:56:56 2022, V. Hannen, Detectors, Low rate in PMT South
PMT south shows a much lower count rate than observed in elog entry 170.
Yesterday the voltage on this PMT was increased to 2400 V and the threshold setting of the CAEN CFD to 90 units, (from 70 units before) however the low |
Thu Apr 7 00:36:36 2022, Uwe, DAQ, Threshholds and shaping Mesytec for ADC
Wed Apr 6 15:19:29 2022, Svea, Shahab, Accelerator, 5s delay implemented before injection
Operators have informed us that for better stability and operation (and cooperation with HHT), and after discussing with Sergey, they have introduced 5s
delay "Wartezeit RESET" before every injection.
Wed Mar 23 11:20:55 2022, Simon, Detectors, PMT operating voltages
During the testing of the PMTs the following operating voltages were applied:
PMT Cu: -1300V
Sun Apr 3 11:40:48 2022, Shahab, Yuri, Detectors, 245 MHz Resonator tuned to new frequency
resonance frequency changed from 243.2 MHz to 244.692 MHz by reducing the value of both of the plungers from 395 to 325. Now after movement, the peak is
on the resonance. |
Thu Mar 31 20:07:47 2022, Shahab, DAQ, Schottky Display in AP Messhütte (or anywhere else)
[B]UPDATE: 16.05.2022[/B]
[I]Please use ATPPC029 instead of ATPPC019 for the 245 MHz Schottky
Thu Apr 7 14:01:22 2022, Sebastian, Max, Detectors, Mesytec reset
The Mesytec crate was turned off and on again.
It is again possible to communicate with the XUV detector via python to apply voltage and current. |
Thu Apr 14 12:27:18 2022, Sebastian, Max, Detectors, Connection to XUV / Cu reestablished!
The connection to the XUV and Cu were lost during the nightshift.
The XUV detector was in the park position,
Tue Apr 5 11:14:52 2022, Sebastian, Kristian, Pierre-Michel, DAQ, PMT over wavelength histogram v2
Today we finalized the PMT over wavelength histogram in:
Tue Apr 5 15:25:47 2022, Sebastian, Kristian, Pierre-Michel, DAQ, Go4 Conditions for "TDC_stacked_Sig/Ref" histogram
First version of TDC_stacked histograms implemented.
Under folder "Conditions" you can now integrate over user defined Limits (Xmin and Xmax). |
Mon Apr 11 11:05:35 2022, Sebastian, Kristian, Laser, Check laser power
we checked the UV laser power at 10:15 am. It was only 8.5 - 9 mJ. Pumping power was 460 mJ, which is the maximum output of the current system. We should
change the flashlamps soon |
Mon Apr 4 15:27:31 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, PMT over wavelength histogram
Kristian and I tried to create a "PMT over wavelength" histogram under step2Anl/LabView.
Unfortunately, the code ist still in progress and does not work yet.
Thu Apr 7 09:23:18 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ1 & DAQ2 - 1kHz and delayed cs removed
Questionable 1kHz and delayed common stop signals has been removed.
These two cablings were for some previous tests. |
Fri Apr 8 08:17:52 2022, Sebastian, Laser, Laser Ext Trig is working
We (Max, Kristian, Danyal, me) fixed the "external trigger" problem.
1.) The delay between lamp sync and Q-switch trigger was too long. The delay must be 200µs (3rd picture)!
Fri Apr 8 08:40:06 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ improvement
Concerning ID 146 a new histogram for accumulating data (no cleaning histograms) can be found under
Step2_Anl/TDC/TDC***_accumulated_*** |
Thu Apr 14 12:38:38 2022, Sebastian, Detectors, XUV / Cu checkups
Check regularly if the connection to the XUV and Cu detectors are still active and the detectors move in (after injection) and out (after killing the ion
Thu Apr 14 19:46:46 2022, Sarper & Konstantin & Rodolfo, Laser, Laser power
We checked the laser power before starting the new scan range.
- Seed energy before Cobra @ 532 nm: 513 mJ (before 499 mJ).
Sun Apr 3 12:31:10 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, Yuri, Carsten, Ragan, Runs, Measurement of beam with different circles 6x
Parameters of NTCAP:
1. IQ rate 20 MSamples/s
Sat Apr 2 10:22:21 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, Ragan, General, Beam is in the ESR
Primary beam is in the ESR now. Markus and the team are tuning the ESR. |
Fri Apr 1 11:00:41 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Start NTCAP
Start taking data with NTCAP.
Carrier Frequency: 245MHz
IQ rate:5 MSamples/s
Fri Apr 1 11:19:57 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, S.M.A.R.T check on NTCAP
S.M.A.R.T. check has been done on NTCAP on March 28th. All 12 hard disk drivers are normal. |
Mon Apr 11 18:46:31 2022, Rodolfo, Sarper and Konstantin, Laser, Alignment-check
We cross-checked the laser-ion alignment. The horizontal position was optimized. However,
since the laser beam is much larger than the ion beam, this was not an issue for measurements, which
have been performed during the last shifts.
Wed Apr 13 15:41:29 2022, Rodolfo & Sarper, Laser, Laser status
We have checked the power of the laser and optimized it "a bit".
- Seed energy for the Cobra @ 532 nm: 508 mJ (before 496 mJ)*
Mon Jul 26 17:15:47 2021, Rodolfo, Laser, Quanta Ray - Water leak
On Thursday afternoon (22.07.2021) a water connector has broken and water has been spilled in the laser head. |
Mon Jul 26 17:58:52 2021, Rodolfo, Laser, Water Filters
The water filters (deioninzing and particle) have been replaced. |
Wed Jul 28 13:31:22 2021, Rodolfo, General, Air filters
Filters (Hepa-) inside the flow boxes have been replaced. |
Mon Aug 2 10:54:44 2021, Rodolfo, Laser, Quanta Ray - Water leak in the power supply
After fixing the broken water connector in the laser head a new water leak appeared in the Quanta-Ray power supply.
We found the leak in the water pump flow line (arrow up). We took the water connectors appart, rebuilt the teflon seeling and put the water connectors |
Fri Aug 6 10:23:00 2021, Rodolfo, DAQ, atplaser on r4l-41
The user [B]atplaser[/B] is now existing on the [B]R4L-XY[/B] nodes for the ESR group.
R4 = [B]R[/B]IO[B]4[/B] Computer
Fri Aug 6 10:40:54 2021, Rodolfo, DAQ, mbs in atplaser
The "MBS program" (data acquisition) is now located within atplaser@r4l-41, in the folder "th21":
Wed Sep 8 21:44:55 2021, Rodolfo, General, Preparation
[TABLE border="1"]
Thu Oct 14 10:21:46 2021, Rodolfo, Detectors, Dismounting Cu-Mirror
We have dismounted the parabolic Cu-Mirror at ESR on 13.10.2021 |
Fri Nov 5 17:23:23 2021, Rodolfo, DAQ, Dye trigger out
The dye laser offers different scan settings (see pages 65 - 67 of the user manual). We are using the following setting, see attached screenshot, to produce
the status "laser busy" for the DAQ.
Fri Nov 19 15:50:44 2021, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Laser windows at E-Cooler side
New laser viewports have been installed at the E-Cooler side of the ESR.
Thu Mar 3 13:50:45 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Dye cell cracket
The "20 mm" dye cell used for the Oscillator and Pramplifier got damage. I supposed it was produced by the pump beam hitting on a very "old" dye solution
(DCM / Ethanol, concentration 0,3 g/l). The solution in the dye reservoir was more 12 months old. |
Thu Mar 3 17:21:26 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, MgF2 Windows
New reentrance viewports made of MgF2 have been installed at the ESR "Optical Detection Region". In the middle the old window (also MgF2) was kept into
place. |
Thu Mar 3 17:34:42 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Pump Laser
We have issues with our Pump Laser (Spectra Physics - Quanta Ray Pro). After the service made on mid Dezember (2021) the laser does not get started. After
contacting the service many times, the technicians think it can be an issue with the flashlamps.
Thu Mar 3 21:39:21 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Dye solution, DCM in Ethanol and DMSO
I have prepared a new dye solution of DCM in Ethanol and DMSO (1:1). The concentration of the "oscillator + preamplifier" is 0,3 g/l. The concentration
of the "main amplifier" is 0,0375 g/l or "1/8" the concentration of the "oscillator".
Thu Mar 17 17:37:49 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, High voltage dividers for E-Cooler
Two dividers, from PTB-Braunschweig, have been deliver today. We will use them to monitor the electron-cooler voltage in situ.
- PT120 (up to -120 kV) with scaling factor: 12003.341, and
Fri Mar 18 09:18:38 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Vacuum leak, ODR
After the beaking out process we got a vacuum leak in one of the MgF2 windows (Referenz: PMT South) of the optical detection region (ODR) Stand 17.03.2022.
In order to avoid breaking the vacuum again and a second beaking out process we had to spread vacuum seal on the window.
Fri Mar 18 16:58:26 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Pressure at North-East Arc
The pressure at the north-east arc of ESR, where the laser window is located, looks suspicious. The sensor E01LF02 shows a value of 7.26E-8 mbar. For comparison
I have also upload a photo taken on 07.02.2022 where the pressure was 4.62E-10. We have contacted the vacuum expert and asked for his opinion. Waiting
for the reply ...
Mon Mar 21 09:18:28 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Pressure at North-East Arc
Our vacuum expert has reply. The "IZ Pump" in this region was off.
[quote]The pressure at the north-east arc of ESR, where the laser window is located, looks suspicious. The sensor E01LF02 shows a value of 7.26E-8 mbar. |
Mon Mar 21 10:46:18 2022, Rodolfo, DAQ, TDC & Scaler description channels
For the First Vuprom we have the following channel configuration (Stand:21.03.2021).
Please note 1.
Thu Mar 24 13:27:47 2022, Rodolfo, DAQ, Disk space - LXG1297
In our Linux computer (LXG1297: Laser spectroscopy) we have a Drive with 1.8 TB total disk space. 300 GB are at the moment in use, but I can clean this.
Thu Mar 24 16:59:35 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Photodiode signal SO
Fast Photodiode signal at the "SO-Bogen" (South-east arc).
- Average made over 250 samples.
Fri Mar 25 14:31:24 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Photodiode signal SO in the Messhütte
Measured at the Panel "Messhütte - Laserhütte", BNC "Fast PD / SO".
- Average over 256 samples |
Tue Mar 29 12:01:08 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Laser targets
I have installed two targets* (size: 2 inches) to monitor the position of the laser beam.
- The internet cameras can be accessed from any browser, but only inside the GSI-Campus network. Benutzername: admin. Kennwort: 1234
Tue Mar 29 21:37:13 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Pump Laser
The gold "reflectors and end plates" of our pump laser (Quanta-Ray PRO) have been exchanged by new ones.
- Output power after Oscillator and Amplifier (@ 1064 nm): 41 W.
Wed Mar 30 09:27:15 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Issue? Scrapers at E-Cooler
Carsten* forwarded me an E-Mail from Markus yesterday. "Betreff: Scraper im ESR Elektronenkühler"
- Markus has tried to get moving the scrapers at E-Cooler last week. But he got some issues.
Fri Apr 1 15:27:00 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, Nitrogen for UV-PMTs
There was a question concerning the nitrogen we use to rinse the "Solar Blind PMTs".
- I have checked the nitrogen flow rate this afternoon (14:00) and it was a level of 0.2 LPM.
Fri Apr 1 15:52:23 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, UV PMT South
The "Solar Blind PMT" labeled as "PMT South" has been installed by Simon and Max in the gas target chamber on a CaF Viewport. The PMT is pointing directly
to the center chamber.
Sun Apr 3 11:01:57 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Scrapers @ E-Cooler
We the mid- and night shift (Wilfried, Simon, Patrick, Ken and me) we not able to manipulate the scrapers in the E-Cooler.
- Carsten contacted Markus concerning this issue.
Tue Apr 5 20:16:13 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Discriminator for HF reference signal
For the laser trigger we need to generate a few ns NIM-puls from the HF reference signal. Therefore we (Wilfried, Konstantin and me) have changed the constant
fraction descriminator (CFD) to generate this kind of pulse.
Wed Apr 6 14:52:29 2022, Rodolfo, Runs, Scraping the ion beam
We are T-scraping the ion beam. |
Sat Apr 9 16:55:19 2022, Rodolfo, Laser,
16:15 I have changed the dye (of both oscillator and amplifier).
16:27 I have increased the pump energy (@ 532 nm) from 476 mJ to 507 mJ.
Sat Apr 9 19:09:57 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Optimization - Resonator of dye laser
I have tuned a bit the resonator of the dye laser.
The total output energy after the main amplifier is 86 mJ (@ 645,6 nm)
Sun Apr 10 15:29:53 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Status - Laser system
We have checked the laser system.
- The pump laser has ~ 23Mio shots. The total output energy has dropped to about 475 mJ. Maybe it is time to install new fresh flashlamps. In case the |
Mon Apr 11 18:57:18 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, New flashlamps
We (Sarper, Konstantin and me) have changed the old flashlamps (with ~ 26 Mio. shots) by new "fresh" ones. We have also exchange the dye. Here are some
parameters of the laser we measured with the new flashlamps and dye*:
Tue Apr 12 14:52:19 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, PMT Nord, Middle. Datasheets
Attached are the datasheets for the solar-blind PMTs.
- PMT Nord. Type 9423. SN: 650
Tue Apr 12 15:05:56 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Laser status
We have checked the laser power at 14:15 *
- Pump energy after Q-Ray @ 532nm: 559 mJ.
Wed Apr 20 10:09:50 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Optic with spots
The average energy produced by the laser along the beamtime was about 10 mJ/puls. After about two weeks of beamtime some of the optics, especially the optic
placed just after the BBO crystall, got some spots, see pictures below. Here the diameter of the laser beam is about 6 mm. |
Mon Apr 4 09:10:44 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Rui-Jiu, Runs, Measurement
NTCAP is taking data with the beam with a stop at manipulation 5 (taking all the fragments).
Fri Apr 8 10:44:55 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Danyal, Sergey, Runs, NTCAP stopped
NTCAP is stopped. Sergey will now set an ion bunch instead of two in the ESR.
Thu Apr 7 09:58:55 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Danyal, Accelerator, Kicker problem solved
The kicker problem is solved and the beam is back in the ESR. |
Thu Apr 7 10:10:31 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Danyal, Accelerator, Problem in UNILAC
The power supply of the UNILAC magnet is broken. The repair will take up to 6-7 hours. |
Tue Apr 5 12:17:12 2022, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Instructions to start and stop NTCAP
Attached are the instructions to start and stop data taking using the NTCAP. |
Fri Apr 8 09:13:38 2022, Ragan, Danyal, Accelerator, No beam
Cathode is being changed at the ion source. So no beam for the moment.
Sergey has been contacted to change from two ion bunches to a single ion bunch in the ESR. |
Fri Apr 8 06:53:29 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP data taking
NTCAP is taking data since 07.04.2022 23:53:47
Carrier Frequency: 242.2 M
Fri Apr 8 09:32:32 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP stopped
Since there is no beam, NTCAP is stopped.
Carrier Frequency: 242.2 M
Fri Apr 8 09:39:04 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP started
Carrier Frequency: 242.2 M
IQ Rate (S/s): 10 M
Reference level (dBm): -30
Fri Apr 8 12:04:13 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP started
NTCAP is started for the data taking.
Carrier Frequency: 242.02 M
Tue Apr 12 14:11:52 2022, Ragan, Detectors, Sideband in Schottky
> Sometimes we see a broad sideband at lesser Schottky frequencies to the high-intensity thorium beam.
> Pic 1 shows the relative broad sideband on the left.
Thu Apr 7 05:44:40 2022, Pierre-Michel, Ragan, DAQ, NTCAP settings
Carrier Frequency: 244M
IQ Rate: 10M
reference Level: -30
Mon Apr 11 14:45:11 2022, Paul, Konstantin, Sarper, David, Runs, Afternoon shift runs 11.04
We continue scan the new wavelength scan range is 322.41 - 322.00 nm
Thu Apr 7 14:04:36 2022, Paul Indelicato, General, no beam until 17:00
10:10 There is a problem with the UNILAC.
The repair will take several hours. (4 hrs?)
Sun Apr 10 22:47:05 2022, Patrick, Volker, Prannay, Danyal, Alexandre, Sebastian, Kristian, Runs, Runs night shift 10.04 + morning shift 11.04
These are the measurement runs of the night shift (10/11.04.).
Wavelength range is still 322.81 - 322.40 nm.
Thu Apr 14 22:44:40 2022, Patrick, Simon, Danyal, Max, Runs, Runs night shift 14./15.04.
Runs of the night shift. The wavelength range is 320.62 - 320.10 nm.
[TABLE border="1"]
Sat Apr 16 04:19:05 2022, Patrick, Simon, Alex, Sarper, Runs, Runs night + morning shifts 16.04.
Runs of the night shift 16.04. after changing the wavelength range. The new range is 320.12 - 319.859 nm. The step size was decreased from 0.002 nm to 0.001
The goal was to have the same number of scans as before (261), however, the scan range in the labview program could not be set accordingly. We decided |
Fri Apr 1 23:12:37 2022, Patrick, Detectors, Scraper positions "only primary beam"
Scraper positions where there is only primary beam for detector tests. Use only one outer and one inner scraper at the same time.
[B]Move detectors out before new beam![/B]
Wed Apr 6 22:29:55 2022, Patrick, Accelerator, ECooler voltages
ECooler voltages:
Thu Apr 7 00:15:11 2022, Patrick, Laser, Laser timing adjusted
We have adjusted the laser timing using PMT-middle. Bunching freq. is 3.90362 MHz.
PD NO: 7.79
Thu Apr 7 01:19:05 2022, Patrick, Laser, Laser scanning
We did some laser scans. The wavemeter shows spikes during scans. This may be just while the frequency changes. See picture. |
Thu Apr 7 03:06:15 2022, Patrick, DAQ, DAQ file sizes
The file sizes of DAQ1 (229Thor) and DAQ2 (229Th, "Carstens DAQ") are different.
During 20min of laser scanning DAQ1 saves 4 files while DAQ2 saves 2 files which was 3.3 GB and 2 GB, respecively.
[B]The file sizes of DAQ2 should always be greater than those of DAQ1, because of extra ADC data![/B]
Thu Apr 7 03:44:21 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Measurement procedure
[U][B]Measurement procedure[/B][/U]
Thu Apr 7 05:23:50 2022, Patrick, DAQ, How To Start MBS for DAQ2 (Carstens DAQ)
(MBS server should be running at the LXG0155 machine. If not you will get an error message. Then start the server - last command in console)
Just enter the following commands in the console of any PC
Fri Apr 8 00:06:37 2022, Patrick, Laser, Connection to the laser pc
To login to the laser pc use the command
xfreerdp -g 1920x1080 -u atplaser |
Fri Apr 8 01:48:57 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Bugged Trending plots?
The wavelengths/frequencies shown in the graph in the labview window do not match the wavelengths/frequencies in go4.
Compare the picture which shows an incomplete laser scan although the scans in the labview window are completed (The measurement was started at an 'elapsed
MBS time' of 2700s and took 1700s/28min).
Fri Apr 8 03:54:39 2022, Patrick, Laser, Q-switch window
The solution of increasing the Q-switch window from 2us to 5us described in [I]ID:148[/I] fulfills its purpose, but the window is unstable.
We saw the laser jumping across the screen which was because the Laser had a lot of hickups.
The hickups come from the signal which determines the duration of the window.
Fri Apr 8 22:26:44 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Spike in all detectors
In the previous shift, there was a spike in all detectors in the same scan step. Apparently, this was NOT a resonance since in the next step it appeared
again but at a different wavelength.
The current hypothesis is, that this is a disruption signal from one of the machines. |
Fri Apr 8 23:56:07 2022, Patrick, DAQ, DAQ improvement
As requested in ID:146 and ID:147, the laserscan tab was improved:
[*] The laserscan tab shows each observable plotted against the predefined wavelength setpoints now.
Sat Apr 9 03:27:47 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Laser scanning
DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
LMD file name DAQ1:229Thor
Sat Apr 9 04:40:01 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Bugged Trending plots?
The problem from yesterday (ID:147) still persists. All the plots (not only the labview stuff) comes in too late in go4. However, the time axis is correct,
see picture. |
Sat Apr 9 05:26:25 2022, Patrick, Laser, Wavemeter
The wavemeter still shows large spikes from time to time. The exposure time is still at 34ms. |
Sun Apr 10 02:20:17 2022, Patrick, DAQ, New mbs startup guide
Connecting to the rfio server and opening a file is included in '@startup' now. Since mbs crashes reliably every 3 or 4 runs, it may be preferable to use
the following procedure (which did not crash yet):
Sun Apr 10 04:07:53 2022, Patrick, DAQ, go4 shows wrong frequencies and wavelengths
[B]Update (ID:194):[/B] In labview "Stop All", close labview, stop python script (ID:197), close wavemeter. Then restart wavemeter, python script, labview
an mbs.
Sun Apr 10 04:37:29 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Next wavelength range
Measurements with the next wavelength scan range should be started roughly around 12:00 noon. The plan is to go to lower wavelengths / higher energies.
So the next wavelength scan range would be 322.81 - 322.4 nm, again with a step size of 0.002 nm and 5s dwell time.
Mon Apr 11 04:26:53 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Next wavelength range
Measurements with the next wavelength scan range should be started roughly around 10:00 am.
The next wavelength scan range is planned to be 322.41 - 322.00 nm, again with a step size of 0.002 nm, 5s dwell time and 2 loops.
This range includes roughly a third of the first scan range. |
Thu Apr 7 22:18:06 2022, Night shift 7.4-8.4, , Next scans
DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
LMD file name DAQ1:229Thor
Wed Apr 6 13:32:57 2022, Max, Sebastian, DAQ, LabView Cobra Channel List
channel 0: linux time (epoch time)
channel 1: ms timer
channel 2: E-Cooler Voltage(Ohmlabs)
Thu Apr 7 11:11:31 2022, Max, Sebastian, Laser, dye changed, pulse energy measurements
We changed the dye at 10am.
We increased the pump power for the dye Laser to 480mJ (before 450mJ). New calibration factor is 29 for Quanta Ray monitor signal.
Thu Apr 14 06:29:18 2022, Max, Sebastian, Accelerator, lesser ESR injection intensity
We now have less ESR injection intensity (see screenshot attached).
This can also be seen in the count rate after "UNILAC/SIS failures".
Sat Apr 9 06:25:22 2022, Max, Kristian, Runs, morning shift runs
DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
LMD file name DAQ1:229Thor
Sat Apr 9 13:45:42 2022, Max, Kristian, Runs, first scans with LV problem solved!
This is the first time with LV buffer problem solved (see Elog ID: 184). Before the PMT signals were out of sync with the wavelength data!
We concluded to scan with step sizes of 0.002nm, scan range of 0.5nm (f
nm), dwelltime = 150(5s), loops = 2 (approx.: 30min measurements).
Fri Apr 15 12:42:18 2022, Max, Danyal, Carsten, Konstantin, Patrick, Simon, General, laser wavelength range changed: 320.12 - 319.60 nm
Runs of the morning/afternoon/night shift. The wavelength range is now 320.12 - 319.60 nm.
Fri Apr 15 12:53:25 2022, Max, Danyal, Laser, checked laser pulse energy after change in wavelength range
previous scan range:
the laser pulse energy @ 320.62 nm was ~11 mJ
Sun Apr 3 12:35:17 2022, Max, DAQ, Go 4 manual
How to start go4?:
- go to console
Sat Apr 2 18:28:47 2022, Markus/Bernd, Accelerator, SIS setting complete for fragments in ESR: 2022-04-02_18-09-10_SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1.txt
# Version: 1.2 # Comment: ParamModi Export at 2022-04-02T18:09:36.402593+02:00[Europe/Berlin] # Context: SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1 # Columns: PARAMETERNAME,VALUE,UNIT,BEAMPROCESSPURPOSE
Sat Apr 2 16:10:22 2022, Markus, Bernd, Accelerator, SIS setting complete, U90+ mit Be target: 2022-04-02_16-04-00_SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1.txt
# Version: 1.2
# Comment: ParamModi Export at 2022-04-02T16:04:10.778077+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
# Context: SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1
Mon Apr 4 15:32:38 2022, Kristiand & Sebastian, DAQ, Go4 Backup Code
Due to some code changes (PMT over wavelength historgram) Kristian and I backuped a working Go4 code in the current go4 folder on the atplaser linux account.
It can be found in the subfolder "working go4 code 4.4.2020"
Mon Apr 11 10:31:07 2022, Kristian, Sebastian, Alexandre, Danyal, Paul, General, new laser wavelength scan range 322.41 - 322.00 nm
new wavelength scan range is 322.41 - 322.00 nm
at 10:31
Sat Apr 9 14:15:44 2022, Kristian, Max, Konstantin, DAQ, Change in LV code
We changed the LV code so that the Cobra Set Wavelength is permanently sent. Before it was only sent once at the beginning of each laser step. This, however,
lead to too much data for the LV->MBS server.
This was fixed by inserting a 250 ms wait in LV (in Krypton data VI). Basically, all LV values are now updated every 250 ms, which works fine with MBS |
Sun Apr 10 06:34:49 2022, Kristian, Max, DAQ, Wavemeter Readout
Problem solved. Ignore this entry
Sun Apr 10 08:53:26 2022, Kristian, Max, Laser, Timing verified
timing is still good.
we checked the relative timing between laser and ions. the time difference between photodiodes, PMTs and particle detectors is still the same as original |
Sun Apr 10 11:11:18 2022, Kristian, Max, Laser, additional WM readout
since the WM readout still does not work reliably, I started a python script at atppc023 that saves timestamp and wavemeter frequency. in folder wavemeter
at the desktop.
Sun Apr 10 13:17:53 2022, Kristian, Max, DAQ, Wavemeter readout
We changed the Labview code in order to reduce the amount of data that was overfilling the WM data queue. We removed the temperature and intensity values
and added an additional 250ms wait.
Sun Apr 10 06:39:16 2022, Kristian, Marek, Max, Runs, runs morning shift 10.04.
These are the measurement runs of the morning shift (10.04.).
Tue Apr 5 08:00:50 2022, Kristian & Sebastian, DAQ, MBS Channellist (so far)
MBS Channellist (time 5.4.2022)
0 Anode
Wed Mar 16 08:31:52 2022, Kristian, DAQ, Check cables and timing
Konstantin and I generated a signal in the Messhütte and sent it to the ESR.
There, we used a 44m BNC cable that was sufficently long to reach all detectors.
Our signal was connected instead of the PMT/PD. Hence, it was a roundtrip measurement.
Wed Mar 16 12:04:40 2022, Kristian, Detectors, HV cable to particle detector South
Checked HV cable to particle detector south. Label is HV2 Scraper.
Connected to Messplatz III HV5 |
Thu Mar 17 17:56:33 2022, Kristian, Calibration, HV dividers
PTB HV dividers arrived. Divider ratios are:
PT120: 12003,341
Thu Mar 31 22:19:14 2022, Kristian, DAQ, How To Start MBS
(MBS server should be running at the LXG1297 machine. If not you will get an error message. Then start the server - last command in console)
Just enter the following commands in the console of any PC
Thu Mar 31 22:41:35 2022, Kristian, Calibration, HV divider
We noticed a difference in the electron cooler high voltage:
The set voltage is ~205 kV, the Ohmlabs divider measures 207 kV and the PTB200 shows a value of ~212 kV. The latter is doing some crazy jumps of up to |
Fri Apr 1 01:57:12 2022, Kristian, DAQ, Timing
with bunched primary beam (bunching frequency 1.94070 MHz) we have strong PMT (mid) and particle detector signal. Time between both detectors was measured
(in 3.3ns bins)
Fri Apr 1 18:19:58 2022, Kristian, Calibration, HV divider
We checked the strange behavior of the HV dividers again. The Ohmlabs and the PTB divider are in good agreement at 120 kV and 150 kV. There, both dividers
deviated by 0.35% from the value on the HKR multimeter. Ohmlabs divider yields higher voltage.
Sat Apr 2 05:08:00 2022, Kristian, General, Morning shift
I see no updates in the log. Is the morning shift taking place?
For now I will stay at home and be on call. I can be at GSI in 20 min. Please let me know the status.
Tue Apr 5 13:24:40 2022, Kristian, Detectors, PMT Cu
HV cable was in wrong channel in power supply. Now it is back to the correct position. Checked connection at the PMT. |
Tue Apr 5 13:28:06 2022, Kristian, DAQ, Spikes in PMT signal
Occasionally, we noticed a spike in the PMT signal. No ions in the ring and at PMT Cu was not even supplied with HV. Has to be some electronic pickup |
Tue Apr 5 14:51:51 2022, Kristian, DAQ, dark counts
We shielded the PMTs, i.e., the N2 tube, which improved the Cu PMT background rate.
Without beam and ESR lights off:
Fri Apr 8 11:16:57 2022, Kristian, Laser, Wavemeter
We changed the fiber to the wavemeter. The third fiber worked best and we could operate the WM at low exposure times, i.e., below the laser repetition rate.
We used the neutral density filter to adapt the laser power that only one laser pulse is measured by the WM each time (Exposure time =34ms)
Fri Apr 8 14:14:28 2022, Kristian, DAQ, Delay of bunch RF
The bunch HF is now fed through a delay to shift the stop trigger relative to the PMT signal. The delay generator is placed directly after the CFG and before
splitting the signal for the two DAQs. The relative timing of both DAQs was not changed. |
Sat Apr 9 06:42:23 2022, Kristian, Laser, Laser step size
We changed the laser step size to 0.002 nm which corresponds to 5.75 GHz. |
Mon Apr 11 12:50:22 2022, Kristian, Accelerator, Th lifetime
We used the counter to measure the lifetime. During the 30 min scan time dropped only slowly.
During a longer break, e.g., when the laser flash lamps are changed, one could take data over a longer time. |
Mon Apr 11 22:14:51 2022, Konstantin, Sarper, Laser, Changing of the wavelength range
It is planned to change the scan range of the laser wavelength from 322.41 - 322.0 nm to 322.01 - 321.6 nm @ 4 a.m. |
Thu Apr 7 19:13:26 2022, Konstantin, Patrick, Calibration, How to find the correct laser position
In order to achieve the correct laser ion beam superposition one needs to do the following steps:
Sun Apr 3 18:41:11 2022, Konstantin and Rodolfo, Laser, Beam Position Stabilization
We (Konstantin and I) have optimized the TEM "laser-beam position stabilization".
- I took some pictures (screenshots) about the current setting*.
Thu Mar 31 11:49:54 2022, Konstantin, Detectors, HV-Supply of particle detectors
We cross-checked the cabeling of the particle detectors north and south. Particle detector south is connected to channel [B]HV5[/B] at the yellow "ESR Messplatz
III" patch-panel. Particle detector north is connected to channel [B]K5[/B] at the green "ESR Messplatz II" patch-panel. Red high voltage power-supply
is used to control the voltage. |
Thu Mar 31 15:53:50 2022, Konstantin, Detectors, Control software for XUV and copper mirror detector
> Attached you find a manual for the software used to control the movement of the XUV detector and the copper mirror detector.
> The software is also used to set the electrode voltages and coil currents of the XUV detector.
Thu Mar 31 17:56:32 2022, Konstantin, DAQ, Photodiode test signal
We used a signal generator to provide a 4MHz dummy-RF signal. This was divided by a factor of 2 for laser-"bunch" synchronization and by a factor of 200
for to provide the stop-tigger attached to the DAQ. With this Dummy-RF we were able to measure the relative arrival times of the laser at the photodiodes
located in the laser towers. Note that the signal of the southern photodiode arrives first. This is because the scale of the time axis is given in (10/3ns)-bins |
Fri Apr 1 22:01:14 2022, Konstantin, Detectors, PMT operating voltages
> During the testing of the PMTs the following operating voltages were applied:
> PMT Cu: -1300V
Sun Apr 3 18:52:30 2022, Konstantin, Calibration, Laser ion beam overlap
We measured vertical and horizontal ion beam positions. Unfortunately, the horizontal scraper positions can not be manipulated
by the "Device Control" software. Robert Boywitt has supported us a lot to get the drives moving by using the expert software on
a local control PC, which can only be remotely accessed from beapc032 with the usual experiment account "atplaser". In the first
Thu Apr 7 16:50:22 2022, Konstantin, Calibration, Spacial laser-ion overlap
Laser-ion-beam overlap was achieved after measuring the ion beam positions (compare [URL=]Entry 83[/URL]).
Screenshots are comprised in the following table.
Fri Apr 8 17:44:25 2022, Konstantin, Calibration, Final Timing
We measured the timing for the laser bunch synchronization. A summary is given below.
[TABLE border="1"]
Fri Apr 8 17:57:45 2022, Konstantin, DAQ, Laser scanning
[TABLE border="1"]
Tue Apr 12 17:01:30 2022, Konstantin, Detectors, Voltage PMT North
Voltage of PMT North has been increased from 2500 V to 2600 V. Additionally the threshold was adapted from 25 mV to 12 mV. |
Fri Apr 15 20:43:18 2022, Konstantin, Laser, Dye changed
Dye of the laser system has been changed. UV laser power increased from ~8 mJ to 11 mJ pulse energy. |
Sat Apr 2 17:47:16 2022, Ken Ueberholz , , Telefon, Gästehaus
My guesthouse phone number: 06159-71-2957 |
Sun Apr 3 00:41:45 2022, Ken Ueberholz , , Xuv-Detektor Signale
The Xuv-detector cabel channels seem to be
wrongly labeled in the Messhütte (see
picture) and are propably also wrongly
Sun Apr 3 15:34:34 2022, Ken Ueberholz , , Xuv-Detektor CFD-treshhold
I co controlled all detector signals and
adjusted the threshold to be just above
the noise. I will double check this when
Wed Apr 6 19:39:08 2022, Ken Ueberholz , Detectors, LED installed
The UV-LED of Münster was connected over
channel 8 to the Messhütte. 6V are
supplied by the power supply (picture 2).
Wed Apr 6 21:03:25 2022, Ken Ueberholz , Detectors, Xuv-Detektor, further information
Some further information regarding the
xuv-detector and its components. |
Mon Mar 24 06:22:21 104, Ken Ueberholz, Detectors, XUV-Detector Rates
Count rates were measured for the XUV-
detector for a full circle:
Cathode: -5V, shields: 0V, main coil 8A,
Tue Mar 29 12:47:26 2022, Ken Ueberholz, , Parameter setting for XUV and copper mirror detector
Some Default Settings for the XUV
Detector. The copper
mirror should always move fully in.
Mon Apr 4 00:19:16 2022, Ken Ueberholz, DAQ, FirstTests
New measurement:
Start: About 00:12
Stop: About 00:43
Thu Apr 7 04:10:18 2022, Ken Ueberholz, DAQ, Corrected cabling DAQ 2
A lot of cables were wrongly or not
connected to the DAQ 2.
Thu Apr 7 05:55:17 2022, Ken Ueberholz, Detectors, XUV-Detector Mesytec crash
When the XUV-detector has to shut down unexpectedly, it can happen that the Mesytek power supply crashes and can't be
communicated with. If this happens the Mesytec PS needs to be restarted from hand inside of the ESR. This can be done by
restarting the crate located at the bottom of the XUV-detector.
Fri Apr 8 01:18:51 2022, Ken Ueberholz, DAQ, TODO: DAQ improvements
For somebody who knows the DAQ1 code: Go4 resets the histograms with each laser step. Can there be additional histograms where the data gets accumulated?
And possibly a histogram where important detectors are plotted against the laser steps? The read back wavelength of the wavemeter is not very precise. |
Thu Mar 31 13:28:17 2022, Jan Glorius, DAQ, DAQ-2 cabling docu
newest version V2 - valid since Mo 04.April 2022 |
Sat Apr 2 01:27:25 2022, Jan Glorius, Runs, test runs 02.04.2022
Beam settings:
primary beam
copper stripper
Mon Apr 4 17:26:48 2022, Jan Glorius, DAQ, MSCF shaper settings
attached are the current shaper settings.
list of currently connected channels:
Thu Mar 10 15:20:26 2022, Jan , DAQ, analog branch signal patches to Messhütte
The additional signals from PMTs and XUV detector needed for spectroscopic analysis in the second DAQ are patched to AP Messhütte (MH) via the red patch
panel at the inside of the target region. The patch channels F1 to F8 (also labeled A to H in red on white) are used and extended by a cable bundle to
reach below the mirror chamber. Inside the MH the signals arrive at the red patch panel and are forwarded to the blue patch panel close to the laser DAQ |
Mon Mar 21 21:48:46 2022, Jan, DAQ, MesyTec Shaper Control
The MesyTec Shaper & Constant Fraction (MSCF) is used to process the PMT/det signals for the ADC in the second DAQ.
It can be setup on its front panel, but single channel setup is very tedious.
Remote control of the settings is possible using an epics server and client.
Fri Apr 8 09:33:52 2022, Dayshift 1 8.4.2022, , Reference Measurements
DAQ1: lxg1297:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
LMD file name DAQ1:229Thor
Thu Apr 7 08:43:19 2022, Danyal, Yuri, Ragan, Accelerator, again no injection in ESR - ESR kicker problem
we had no injections in the ESR again
it turned out that the injection kicker of the ESR has a problem |
Thu Apr 7 07:40:09 2022, Danyal, Max, Sebastian, DAQ, No beam and DAQs crashed
since shortly after 7 AM we have no beam in the ESR
(reason unclear)
Mon Apr 11 07:54:37 2022, Danyal, Alexandre, Kristian, Sebastian, Accelerator, Jump in E-cooler voltage
We saw a jump in the E-cooler voltage at about 7:50.
jump from 209619 to 209610 V
Tue Apr 5 09:39:01 2022, Danyal & Yuri, Accelerator, Strahl ist wieder im ESR - Schlitz war reingefahren
Der Strahl ist wieder im ESR!
Angeblich war einen Schlitz, oder sogar 2, reingefahren worden.
Es könnte entweder der GEEXDR11S und/oder den GEEXDR1AS gewesen sein.
Tue Apr 5 09:45:47 2022, Danyal & Yuri, Accelerator, beam is back in the ESR - a slit was moved in
And now also in English :)
The ion beam is back in the ESR!
Fri Apr 8 14:46:02 2022, Danyal & Sebastian & Volker & Ken, Detectors, high dark countrate Cu PMT solved
The problem - "discovered" by Volker and Ken - of the high dark countrate of the Cu PMT has been solved.
(when the Cu mirror was moved in, the dark countrate was very high ... also without ion beam)
Thu Apr 7 15:18:25 2022, Danyal & Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ channels
We checked again the cables for both DAQs
(on Carsten's kind request)
Wed Apr 6 08:31:54 2022, Danyal & Regina, General, ESR had some errors
Regina noticed that the ESR was "red"
This means that there are some errors.
Wed Apr 6 18:51:33 2022, Danyal & Carsten, Accelerator, target bump
This afternoon, we found out that Sergey has also implemented a "target bump".
Although we do not use a target, this bump is still convenient because
we can move the ion beam such that is passes perfectly through the Cu mirror.
Wed Apr 6 08:06:02 2022, Danyal, DAQ, stopped NTCAP data acquisition
I stopped the NTCAP data acquisition at 8 AM.
Let's hope that the file contains good data. |
Wed Apr 6 09:30:53 2022, Danyal, Accelerator, ESR is blue again - errors are fixed
The ESR is "blue" again.
The errors (scu related) have been fixed.
Thu Apr 7 14:13:27 2022, Danyal, Detectors, new PMT south
I have replaced the PMT south (looks at the gas target).
in the hope that this will produce less dark counts.
Thus far, the dark countrate is low (few Hz).
Mon Apr 11 10:17:01 2022, Danyal, Accelerator, Interlock - reset
Wie heutemorgen in der Sitzung (morning briefing) vereinbart,
führt Herr Florenkowski einen Interlock und danach einen Reset von E02MK durch.
Fri Apr 8 11:02:04 2022, DW, YL, RSS, SL, , Change h=2 to h=1
After changing to h=1
The frequency manipulation #5: f=242.021487MHz (124th harmonic) [no bunching]
Manipulation #7: f=242.021812 MHz [with bunching] |
Sun Apr 10 15:29:37 2022, Carsten,Sarper, Accelerator, Ecooler failed
Ecooler failed @15:23 Carsten is fixing it
Fixed @16:00 |
Sat Apr 9 15:47:21 2022, Carsten, Rodolfo, Sarper, Patrick, Runs, Afternoon and night shift runs
After the morning shift, we got new increment (nm) for the laser scanning. We are now scanning 2 nm of wavelength range in 5 big steps (5 x 0.4 nm). Started
with 323.2 nm - 322.8 nm range. Every big step (0.4 nm) is scanned with 0.002 nm of wavelength increment.
Wed Apr 13 14:29:04 2022, Carsten, Rodolfo, Sarper, David, Pierre-Michel, Max, Sebastian, Runs, Afternoon - morning shift runs 13.+14.04.
Changed the wavelength scan range from [B]321.62 - 321.10 nm[/B] to [B][B]321.12 - 320.60[/B] nm[/B] after one scan.
[TABLE border="1"]
Sun Apr 10 15:16:19 2022, Carsten, Rodolfo, Sarper, Runs, Runs afternoon shifts 10.04
These are the measurement runs of the afternoon shift (10.04.).
Wavelength range is changed from 323.2 - 322.8 nm to 322.81 - 322.40 nm.
Thu Apr 14 17:47:55 2022, Carsten, Rodolfo, Konstantin, Sarper, Runs, Afternoon shift runs 14.04 changing the wavelength scan range
The new scan range is changed from [B]321.12 - 320.60 nm to 320.62 - 320.10 nm[/B]
[TABLE border="1"]
Fri Mar 18 16:51:27 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Main DAQ /MBS error
MBS error "TDC data ready wait" solved. Common stop trigger (20 kHz) was missing. (according to Sebastian) |
Wed Mar 23 15:38:15 2022, Carsten, General, Not all lights in the ESR can be switched off
Three of the lights in the ESR cannot be switched off. It seems that these lights are now "emergency lights" (with battery?). We will need to find dark
plastik foilor similar to cover those lights during our beam time |
Thu Mar 24 17:10:33 2022, Carsten, DAQ, DAQ / MBS VUPROM TDC buffer errors
VUPROM TDC buffer errors potentially due to long TDC common Stop gate (>1ms from div 200).
Signal piped through coinc. unit gicv es shorter sginal (~200ns). This signal used as common stop seems to have cured the TDC buffer errors.. |
Fri Apr 1 00:27:27 2022, Carsten, , Settings Particle Detectors /Tests with primary beam
All the beam settings will be given in a separate post.
We have 238U92+ centered in the ring with typically a few times 10⁷ ions.
Fri Apr 1 02:29:40 2022, Carsten, , ESR Cooler crashed
ESR cooler crashed. We could not restart the cooler. Since we had several other problems, we stop now. |
Fri Apr 1 16:46:33 2022, Carsten, Detectors, All pressuzied air drives are tested now and are working properly
All pressuzied air drives are tested now and are working properly |
Fri Apr 1 18:30:38 2022, Carsten, Detectors, Positions / Voltages threshlds for particle detectors
[B]DC beam 238U92+ (205kV, e-beam)[/B]
We used the detector NA_SZ to determine the central primary-beam (238U92+) position by observing the Schottky-signal while moving the detector inside.
Fri Apr 1 23:47:45 2022, Carsten, Detectors, PMT thresholds / PMT north does not allow voltage abow ~ -1kV
Checked thresholds of PMT with beam and without beam.
The [B]PMT "south"[/B] which is now at the gas-jet target has burst-like pulses with a train of many short pulses of duration of about 1us. The signals |
Sat Apr 2 01:02:39 2022, Carsten, , Test measurements with two DAQs
We do two measurements:
One measurement using the |
Sat Apr 2 15:54:32 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, ESR setup with primary beam and 1cm Be plate + Schottky data on NTCAP
MArkus and Bernd have setup the ESR with the thick stripper foil and put the ion beam (238U92+) on the central orbit.
SIS Energy is 536 MeV/u
Sat Apr 2 22:43:36 2022, Carsten, , Ring set-up for 229/89+, scraped and bunched, Iel=500mA at injection and 100mA during measurment
The ring SIS/ESR were set up for 229/89+. Pölease note that this not only 1e- Th but ponteially also the isobars of Ac (0e-1)/Pa(2e-, strongest) and U(3e-).
SIS eenrgy plus 3.5 MeV/u w.r.t. to the 238U92+ settings. We nearly don't see any of the primary beam in the ring
Cooling energy is 208998 KeV (read from the ESR multimeter).
Sat Apr 2 23:16:55 2022, Carsten, , Cu mirror and CsI moved in and out of the ring
Ken tested the Cu-mirror and CsI disk Detector. They move without a problem and don't scrape the ion beam. |
Sun Apr 3 13:05:08 2022, Carsten, Laser, Distance of Partilce detecotrs wr.t. to electron cooler
As of Yuris post in the elog the positions (Info from H. Weick):
The postion of the particle counter behind the cooler is 21.6 m behind the middle of the cooler.
Mon Apr 4 16:26:04 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Backup Harddisk /External Disk
Since we cannot write on lustre, as a temproal solution two RAID 1 (mirror) USB hard disks with cpacity 6 TB each are installed.
The disk on the lxg1297 the disk can be accessd at /meida/sdd2
an on the lxg0155 at /media/sdc2
Mon Apr 4 19:05:57 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Cooler Frequency Signals Ion current not connected until now
Up to now the signals for
Ion Current
Cooler elctron current
Tue Apr 5 23:07:34 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, 229Th89+ identification after re-tuning of the ESR
The ESR was retuned this aftenoon since the it was unclear if we still sit the 229Th89+ line.
This lead to new ring settings (data with all the settings will be put in tomorrow).
Tue Apr 5 23:55:11 2022, Carsten, Runs, Long time measurment with NTCAP
Center: 2242.5MHz
RefLevel: -25dB
Thu Apr 7 03:09:36 2022, Carsten, DAQ, NTCAP running since 02:40
Sat Apr 9 02:55:38 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Kühlerausfall und Gründe dazu
Wir hatten heute Abend eine Kühlerausfall, der uns mehrere Stunden beschäftigt hat, weil gem. Anzeige in Device Control kein Netzteil mit „rot“ angezeigt/ausgefallen
war (siehe unten).
Nach Rufbereitschaft Serge, dann Regina sowie Controls konnte zunächst gefunden werden, dass das Netzteil einer Clearingelektrode (GECEKD2D) keinen korrekten |
Sat Apr 9 03:46:31 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Slits in TE line
Changed GTEDSAH Rechts to 10mm |
Sat Apr 9 03:57:10 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, New Cooler voltage after the crash of the cooler
After the restart of the cooler the Ohmlabs divider showed a voltage 16V lower than before. This could also be seen as a slight shift in the Schottky lines
w.r.t to the bunching frequency and the marker. Corrected
the voltages at injection to DeltaU +3963V and in Sc 5/7 to + 3943V. Now perfect match with the old Schottky frequency.
Sat Apr 9 04:01:35 2022, Carsten, , 2nd DAQ
Switched the CAEN TDC back on and changed the threshoolds for the ADC to:
unsigned short caen_V785AH_threshold_mod0 [32] =
Sat Apr 9 05:00:11 2022, Carsten, General, Draft Docs and cheat sheet
Please check the attached files,
and correct or enhance them.
Sat Apr 9 19:50:40 2022, Carsten, , New thresholds for ADC of DAQ2 (starting with file0117)
unsigned short caen_V785AH_threshold_mod0 [32] =
{0x0100 , 0x0004 , 0x0003 , 0x0004 , 0x0005 , 0x0004 , 0x0006 , 0x0005 ,
0x0006 , 0x0005 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 ,
Sun Apr 10 15:08:42 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Backup of Data from 1rst Scanrange to extrenal RAID1 HDDs
I just performed a backup of all data (+log-Files) that were collected until now to the two RAID HDDs.
For DAQ1: /media/sdc2 - last file 229Thor7889.lmd. Please note, that the naming sceme on DAQ1 is inconsistent - please look for the filenumnbering
Mon Apr 11 22:33:16 2022, Carsten, General, Backup of data to the external RAID disks
Thu Apr 14 08:41:42 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Low intensity at the experiment after series of failures during the night
After the recovery from the failures during the night, we see much lower intensity at the experiment (measured with the particle detector count rate).
Instead of 8000-10000 cts we see only 3000-4000cts at comparable SIS intensities.
Also ESR cooler seems to be slightly unstable (wiggling lines) during injection. However, it is visually evident from the Schottky that the injected intensity |
Thu Apr 14 10:57:11 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Maintanence UNILAC / Op training
We had no beam since about 1000. Also, we are still trying to find out why we have such a low intensity in the expereimnt.
Presently, there is a planned maintenance in the UNILAC, beam is expected back in 25-30 mins.
The profile grid TE3 in the transfer beamline in front of the target will be used to check if the extracted SIS beam has changed compared to before the |
Wed Apr 6 16:01:07 2022, BL, Accelerator, ESR settings before adjusting laser: 2022-04-06_14-37-30_ESR_EXP22_02_238U92_Brandau_30March22.C1.txt
# Version: 1.2
# Comment: ParamModi Export at 2022-04-06T14:37:35.957978+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
# Context: ESR_EXP22_02_238U92_Brandau_30March22.C1
Tue Apr 12 12:41:20 2022, Alexandre, Sebastian, Accelerator, no beam in SIS18
Tue Apr 12 13:24:40 2022, Alexandre, Sebastian, Detectors, Sideband in Schottky
Sometimes we see a broad sideband at lesser schottky frequencies to the high intensity thorium beam.
Pic 1 shows the relative broad sideband on the left.
Tue Apr 12 04:43:29 2022, Alexandre, Kristian, Sebastian, Runs, 322.01 - 321.60 nm
We scan the wavelength scan range is 322.01 - 321.60 nm
before the first scan of the new wavelength range we changed the high voltage divider ratio in Labview from 248514 to 248517, which is the correct value |
Mon Mar 21 16:33:23 2022, , DAQ, Changing code of go4
We agreed to indicate changes in the go4 analysis code according to the
following scheme
Mon Mar 21 17:03:47 2022, , DAQ, Changing code of go4
Correction: Comments in C/C++ start with // , i.e. forward slash
[B]//--2022-mm-dd HH:MM comment on the respective change[/B].
Thu Apr 7 04:48:58 2022, , , ToDo's for 07.04.
Some ToDo's for the next shift:
- Work on Laser stabilisation 2nd stage in the ESR
- Mesytec power supply of the xuv-detector crashed and needs to be restarted in the ESR. Simply turning it the crate off and on again)!!
Thu Apr 7 16:45:10 2022, , Detectors, Detector distances
Relativ distances of the detector |